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Turkish Class Forums / Language


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BBC Turkish
1.       bod
5999 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 01:23 pm

Could someone please tell me if the BBC Turkish pages are relatively easy, intermediate or difficult examples of the Türkçe language......I had a quick look at them and couldn't understand very much without reference to a dictionary and lots of head scratching!

Before I try again I would like to know that they are not going to be ridiculously difficult for me to understand!!!

2.       Kadir37
0 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 01:40 pm

3.       bod
5999 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 01:47 pm

Quoting Kadir37:

[I]Look at this page:

As I can't (easily) read the content of this page that doesn't really help me

4.       Kadir37
0 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 01:48 pm

5.       bod
5999 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 02:59 pm

Quoting Kadir37:

You will see new English words on the left. Click them:

Ah thanks - I understand more now.....

However it doesn't really answer my question!
Is the language on this page any more or less challenging than I would come across everyday in Türkiye?

6.       Kadir37
0 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 05:50 pm

7.       Seticio
550 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 06:00 pm

Hurriyet is the only Turkish newspaper avaiable in Poland. I read it sometimes. I don't think it's very difficult. However, it depends on a topic.

8.       erdinc
2151 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 06:08 pm

Reading a newspaper is really an advanced issue for any learner of a foreign language I think. I find it easier to read popular novels than reading newspapers in English.

9.       Kadir37
0 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 06:21 pm

10.       bod
5999 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 07:00 pm

Quoting Kadir37:

Can you understand Turkish newspapers?


Hurriyet is the only Türk newspaper I have attempted to read - I can get a general idea about what is being said but it takes me a very long time and lots of looking at the dictionary........

I generally take at least an hour to understand a short paragraph

So I consider Hurriyet to be advanced (for me)

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