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Bu and Şu
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1.       bod
5999 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 04:18 pm

I know these have been discussed before but I am not clear quite where the distant distinctions arises to give the difference between bu and şu. If I were showing someone next to me a photograph of my little dog and they had the photograph in their hand which would I say:

Bu Poppy, minik köpeğimiz.
Şu Poppy, minik köpeğimiz.

2.       sophie
2712 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 04:22 pm

bu = this (for something that is close to us)
şu = that (for something a little further)
o = that (for something distant)

3.       bod
5999 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 04:25 pm

Quoting sophie:

bu = this (for something that is close to us)
şu = that (for something a little further)
o = that (for something distant)

Yes Sweet Sophie - I know that bit!!!

But how far is a little further???
Would a photograph in the hand of a person next to me be far enough away to be şu or not???

4.       sophie
2712 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 04:29 pm

Quoting bod:

Yes Sweet Sophie - I know that bit!!!

But how far is a little further???
Would a photograph in the hand of a person next to me be far enough away to be şu or not???

Tamam be! Don't scream!

I think that you should use bu in this case. But i wont tell you anything again if you keep on yelling at me! m!

5.       bod
5999 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 04:31 pm

Quoting sophie:

Tamam be! Don't scream!

That wasn't screaming - I did call you Sweet Sophie

If you want screaming then you should try winding me up lol
( except I doubt you could )

6.       sophie
2712 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 04:39 pm

Quoting bod:

( except I doubt you could )

***raising her eyebrow***

7.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 05:25 pm

Quoting bod:

But how far is a little further???
Would a photograph in the hand of a person next to me be far enough away to be şu or not???

Maybe think of how you'd say it in English.. if the person next to you holds a picture, you would probably point at it an say: This is my mother and that (the one standing there) is my dad. I woul dfirst use -bu- and then -şu-

If someone asks: "Who is this", you'll probably answer with: that is my mother.

On the other hand.. you'd say: "O kim?" Tho it's not so far away?

8.       bod
5999 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 05:38 pm

Quoting Deli_kizin:

If someone asks: "Who is this", you'll probably answer with: that is my mother.

On the other hand.. you'd say: "O kim?" Tho it's not so far away?

Would I be better off forgetting about şu for the timebeing and just using bu and o as direct equivilents for English this and that? Then let şu come into my vocabluary as I get more exposed to Türkçe......

9.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 06:21 pm

Quoting bod:

Would I be better off forgetting about şu for the timebeing and just using bu and o as direct equivilents for English this and that? Then let şu come into my vocabluary as I get more exposed to Türkçe......

I think so. In the end, using certain words comes with experience and when you are somehwere you will realize in what ways it is used and you'll be able to use it that way then too.

Will you go to Türkiye again this summer?

10.       bod
5999 posts
 10 May 2006 Wed 08:26 pm

Quoting Deli_kizin:

Will you go to Türkiye again this summer?

Yes - I only have 13 weeks to learn Türkçe :-S

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