I belive taxi to Holiday Inn will cost you like 40-45 lira since it ll be night time (after 00:00 to 5:30 am taxi´s are at Gece tarifesi and charge 1.5 time more than day price)
But WOW is really close to airport, so maybe 10-15 lira you wold pay.
Holiday Inn has shuttle until 1:00 am
WOW has until 23:00 i belive. But as i said taxi wont cost you that much.
For other suggestion, last metro from airport is at 00:35, metro is pretty safe in turkey, we dont have dangerous types hanging arround like in the united states at the metro or at the bus, thy are pretty safe.But it is not good advise, since you ll only be able to save 5 lira get an airport taxi (chech doors, it should name airport taksi, for they belong a station and anything they done bad you can complain to their boss, so they are kind and not cheaty-usually-)
Edited (3/8/2010) by interregister