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12 May 2006 Fri 09:34 am |
I received a note from Connors school today, allthough I get the meaning (I think), I don't understand the constucts.
Öğrencilerimizin Cuma günü saat 12.30'da okuldan alınmaları, programda aksama olmaması için ögrencilerimizin ve velilermizin saat 19.00'da Kıng Garden'da olmaları ve okuma bayramı gecesi ögrecilerin soyunma esnasında kıyafetlerinin karışmaması için kıyafet poşetlerinin üzerine öğrencilerin isimlerinin yazılması önemle rica olunur.
I am not sure but it looks as though there should be a full stop after the first İÇİN. I think perhaps a few commas might help.
So does it mean,
To prevent any hitches at the program our students will be taken from school at 12.30.
Could this be written,
Öğencilerimiz Cuma günü saat 12.30'da okuldan alınacaklar, programda aksama olmaması için.
And this I don't understand, why is the plural for 'kıyafet' not used here,
'kıyafet poşetlerinin üzerine öğrencilerin isimlerinin
yazılması önemle rica olunur.
when it is used for 'poşet' 'ögrenci' and 'isim'?
Going back to the top bit would this be correct?
'Our children will be given umbrellas so they dont get wet.'
'Çocuklarımızın şemsiyeler verinmeleri ıslanmaması (ıslanma olmaması ) için.
Many thanks
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12 May 2006 Fri 04:19 pm |
Hello. Your turkish is pretty good, i must say but there are some structure mistakes maybe coz we use the words so complicated =P
the message is more like "We request you to take the students from school at 12.30 on friday [and not to have a delay on our programme][=programda aksama olmaması için], students and parents should be at King Garden at 19.00. so "için" is not an end of an incompleted sentence there, it s used to explain the reason why they should be at King Garden at 19.
And kıyafet is used plural coz there are many student and many clothes so in order not to mix their clothes,they want you to write the name of the student on plastic bag whish he puts his clothes in. "kıyafet poşeti" means so.. the plastic bag that u ll put clothes in.
and abot last sentence , 'Our children will be given umbrellas so they dont get wet.'
'Çocuklarımızın şemsiyeler verinmeleri ıslanmaması (ıslanma olmaması ) için
another sentence like "Çoçuklarımıza ıslanmamalrı için şemsiye verilecek" would be better. And we dont use like "ıslanma olmaması", it is "ıslanmaması" or depending on the persons "ıslanmamaları".
If you have any other questions i would be happy to help you and i hope i could answer your questions.
Have a nice day..
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12 May 2006 Fri 04:53 pm |
Thankyou for your explanation it was most helpful.
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12 May 2006 Fri 04:58 pm |
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13 May 2006 Sat 12:34 am |
Wouldn't it be easier if people used punctuation marks??!!....,,,
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13 May 2006 Sat 12:39 am |
And just as a point of interest we were there at ten minutes to seven, but because of late comers the children couldn't begin until past eight o clock. We got home at half past eleven with a very tired child and two raki starved parents!!!! But it was wonderful!
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13 May 2006 Sat 12:54 am |
Quoting Kadir37: Your sentence has 3 sentences:
1)Öğrencilerimizin Cuma günü saat 12.30'da okuldan alınmaları önemle rica olunur.
So does the 'önemle rica olunur' indicate the 'request bit' and not the way the first sentence is constructed.
would the same meaning be expressed:-
'Ögrencilerimiz Cuma günü saat 12.30'da okuldan alınacaklar önemle rica olunur'
Sorry to be a nusiance.
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13 May 2006 Sat 12:58 am |
Or is it that you can't request a statement and my sentence is a statement.
They are requestıng 'the collection of the children' that is why it is worded thus?
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13 May 2006 Sat 01:04 am |
In the same way you mıght say
'Sigara icmemesınızını rica ederiz'
' Uslu çocuk olmasını istiyorum'
Do any of these make sense?
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13 May 2006 Sat 01:09 am |