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Turkish Class Forums / Language


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1.       Judith
31 posts
 13 May 2006 Sat 05:39 am


Can you tell me what it the diferences or which is the most common word in turkey?

Teşekkûer ederim/ sağol/ teşekkûerler/ Mersi.

gûle gûle/ hoşÃ§akalin/ Allaha ısmarladik

2.       erdinc
2151 posts
 13 May 2006 Sat 06:38 am

'teşekkür ederim' means thank you and 'teşekkürler' means 'thanks'. They are both quite common and they are interchangeable just like in English. -ler and -lar are plural suffixes in Turkish.

'sağol' is more informal and is common as well. I would suggest to stick with 'teşekkür ederim' or 'teşekkürler' since they are safer and you wouldn't want to sound too informal or too inviting when you didn't mean to.

sağol: thank you (speaking in singulars)
sağolun: thank you (speaking in plurals)

We normally speak in plurals with strangers even if it's a single person. So 'sağol' violates the normal speech firstly for being an informal word and secondly for being in singulars. 'Sağolun' is alright if you just met somebody but still it feels too friendly. You would normally prefer 'teşekkür ederim' which keeps the distance and is polite.

As I said, 'teşekkür ederim' or 'teşekkürler' is always safer.

'Mersi' is posh and girlish. I would never use mersi.

We have lots of loanwords in our language. 'mersi', 'pardon' and 'bye bye' are typical examples. All of them are common.

We say 'güle güle' when somebody leaves and we stay. If we are the one who leaves and others are staying then we don't say 'güle güle' but instead we say 'hoşÃ§akal' or 'görüşmek üzere' (hope to see you again).

hoşÃ§akal: (speaking in singulars)
hoşÃ§akalın : (speaking in plurals)

3.       Judith
31 posts
 21 May 2006 Sun 08:59 pm

Thanks for your help!

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