Turkish Politics |
Chomsky on a hunger strike in Taksim Square for jailed Kurdish children!!
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11 Jun 2010 Fri 12:39 pm |
Famous writers to strike against jailing of minors under terrorism laws
Around 4,000 minors have allegedly broken Turkey’s Counterterrorism Law. Some of them face prison sentences of up to 25 years for throwing stones at security forces....
As part of the efforts, a symbolic hunger strike will being organized at Taksim Square with the participation of many world-famous writers, activists and intellectuals, including writer and political dissident Chomsky, Slovenian philosopher Zizek, American intellectual Immanuel Wallerstein and human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) President Ingrid Newkirk, Cuban opposition representative Guillermo Farinas, British actress/politician Glenda Jackson, Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff and more. Organizers of the hunger strike have also issued invitations to some human rights officials and heads of parliamentary rights commissions and NGOs of some European and North American nations.
... It is this which spurred NGOs to come together under the Callers of Justice for Children (ÇIAÇ platform planning the hunger strike, sit-in and marches to push for legislative change.
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12 Jun 2010 Sat 12:46 am |
The Times: PKK Uses 15 Year-Old Children As Militant
London-based British The Times newspaper reported that the PKK has armed terrorist camps in Iraq. The Times correspondent Matthew McAllester repoerted that the PKK´s girl militants are only 15, and they want to start another war against Turkey.
The newspaper report also vividly shows that the PKK camps are not under the American pressure.
"Zilan, 15, may not be big enough for her uniform but she is ready to use her Kalashnikov against Turkey" the London-based newspaper reported.
The PKK is listed as a terrorist organisation by the European Union (EU) and United States (US).
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12 Jun 2010 Sat 12:51 am |
Denmark: European children fighting for PKK, claims former ROJ TV chief
Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende continues to publish more information about ROJ TV and the PKK. Their most recent report reveals that the PKK is using children-fighters. Pictures taken by former ROJ-TV director, Manouchehr Zonoozi, show youth, the youngest of which is supposedly 14-16, and Zonoozi claims, he saw children in the camps as young as 8-9. Putting aside the issue of using children as soldiers, Zonoozi makes another very interesting claim. He says that most children in the camps come from Iran or Europe, and don’t have their parents with them.
The youngest get school education, the older ones are trained in using weapons, fighting and Kurdish history, with emphasis on the PKK and the movement’s founder, Abdullah Öcalan.
“In an asylum camp in Iraq, I met a Syrian-origin Kurdish family. They were looking for their daughter, who fled to the PKK. But the PKK didn’t want to give her back to the family. I was really upset at that,” says Manouchehr Zonoozi.
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12 Jun 2010 Sat 10:30 am |
This reminds me Serap who had been burnt badly during a molotov cocktail attack by those childs on a public bus with civilians in it and died in an hospital after a many days long struggle.
The related law was about to be discussed in a committe at TBMM and the law was suspended as a result.
Related news: here