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e's and a's in the middle of verbs
1.       Chrisfer
70 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 11:59 am

I see this all the time, and I think I read something about it a some point, but I forget where. Example:

Köyde okul olmadığı için okuyamamış.

Why "okuyamamış"? Why not "okumamış"? What's the difference?

2.       mltm
3690 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 12:38 pm

-amamak, -ememek: not be able to, cannot. "-a,-e" the ability, "ma,me" the negativiness suffix, and "mek,mak" are the infinitive suffix.

yapmak: to do
verb stem: yap

yap+a+ma+mak: not to be able to do

Okumak: to study, to read
oku: stem

oku+y+a+ma+mak: not to be able to study (here "y" is put because vowels cannot come one after another)

-abilmek, -ebilmek: to be able to
yap+a+bil+mek: to be able to do
oku+y+a+bil+mek: to be able to study

3.       erdinc
2151 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 03:44 pm

Meltem's explanation is perfect.
The -e,-a is the 'unabilitative suffix'. Smillarly ve have an 'ability suffix' which is -ebil, -abil.

Some time ago I had written a few exercises on this issue. Of course nobody bothered to try them but it is here on my last messages if you want to have a look:


4.       sophie
2712 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 06:57 pm

Quoting erdinc:

Some time ago I had written a few exercises on this issue. Of course nobody bothered to try them

I did :-S Will you take a look at them cause I m not sure if Rick was teasing or not when he said they were ok?

Thanks in advance

5.       Chrisfer
70 posts
 19 May 2006 Fri 09:13 pm

Aaah. I've been doing the negative ability suffixes wrong then. It all makes sense... thanks

6.       Chrisfer
70 posts
 19 May 2006 Fri 09:42 pm

And, having read your lesson on this... what I've been doing is confusing the suffix for the ability to not do something with suffix for the inability to do something. Your explanations are very good, erdinç! Thanks!

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