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Turkish Language Schools
1.       ask_melek
0 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 04:55 pm

Hi class!
I write this message hoping someone in here can help me.
Im mexican and I want to go to Turkey soon. I would like to learn turkish in Turkey but I dont know where can I learn.. what school or which turkish city is better?
Language schools are very expensive in Turkey?
I hope one of you could tell me the names of some schools where I can learn turkish inside the Turkiye Cumhuriyeti.
Take care.. thanks

2.       RICK
96 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 04:57 pm

Istanbul is the best city for everything! Forget the other cities .. you will find more than you expect here

3.       modern
1 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 05:18 pm

4.       RICK
96 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 05:20 pm

Quoting modern:

the best city-is ankara-for-TURKISH LANGUAGE

Nope you are wrong moderny .. ISTANBUL IS THE BEST OF THE BEST!! I ve been to ankara twice for short time but I didnt like Ankara.. sorry ankara boy .. the truth hurts i know

5.       Kadir37
0 posts
 18 May 2006 Thu 05:20 pm

6.       mike229
2 posts
 20 May 2006 Sat 06:38 pm

Does anyone know where I could get Turkish lessons in England?

I am living in North Lincolnshire near Doncaster, and I am attempting to learn Turkish but need some help.


7.       christine
443 posts
 20 May 2006 Sat 07:13 pm

Quoting mike229:

Does anyone know where I could get Turkish lessons in England?

There is a Turkish school in Leeds.
Look at this site.www.turkishinterperter.co.uk

8.       christine
443 posts
 20 May 2006 Sat 09:02 pm

Quoting mike229:

Does anyone know where I could get Turkish lessons in England?


I recieved a private message from someone thinking i wanted to know where you could recieve Turkish lessons.

They gave me the web site


9.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 20 May 2006 Sat 09:36 pm

Quoting ask_melek:

Hi class!
I write this message hoping someone in here can help me.
Im mexican and I want to go to Turkey soon. I would like to learn turkish in Turkey but I dont know where can I learn.. what school or which turkish city is better?
Language schools are very expensive in Turkey?
I hope one of you could tell me the names of some schools where I can learn turkish inside the Turkiye Cumhuriyeti.
Take care.. thanks

You should search for TÖMER institute. They provide language courses in Turkish for foreigners in different levels (beginner, intermediate etc.). But their prices are quite high if you ask my opinion. If i'm not mistaken, they are situated in Ankara (main-location), Istanbul and Izmir.
If they are also in other cities, i don't know.

If i were you, i would go to a city in the west of Turkey, or where it is very touristic. Istanbul (but it's very big, you might not want to loose your soul there if it's the first time you'll be living by yourself in Türkiye), Izmir or somehwere close to Alanya, Bodrum. (but i doubt if they ahve language schools).

Maybe a visit to the Turkish Embassy that is near your city in Mexico, would also help you a bit.

Good luck!

10.       oceanmavi
997 posts
 20 May 2006 Sat 10:35 pm

Quoting mike229:

Does anyone know where I could get Turkish lessons in England?

I am living in North Lincolnshire near Doncaster, and I am attempting to learn Turkish but need some help.


ooh you live right near me!

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