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20.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 27 Jul 2010 Tue 04:19 pm

Single word!

One word of criticism about racism in Turkey?


21.       oeince
582 posts
 27 Jul 2010 Tue 04:21 pm

I just dont spent time for unnecessery things like you. In that 3 months period, i certainly undersood that you are racist, hardliner, arrogant and non objective at all.

Re- Posting 6000 posts is more time consuming than finding a water melone picture. 

So i refer your profile.

22.       oeince
582 posts
 27 Jul 2010 Tue 04:23 pm

You just debate, debate, debate....

Anything about solution.

I told several times that Turkish Goverment is not being managed well for 200 years. I know you are out of brain but are you out of eyes also?

What a discusting person you are!


23.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 27 Jul 2010 Tue 04:26 pm


Quoting oeince

I just dont spent time for unnecessery things like you. In that 3 months period, i certainly undersood that you are racist, hardliner, arrogant and non objective at all.

Re- Posting 6000 posts is more time consuming than finding a water melone picture. 

So i refer your profile.


You have seen nothing!!

Just one word about the racism in Turkey!!

One single word!!

You can not.. can you?

Because, they must be telling what you have in your heart..

And then you will turn around and accuse me being of a racist!!!



24.       oeince
582 posts
 27 Jul 2010 Tue 04:26 pm

What you shall do is saying that!

Any kinds of illegal attacks, regardless who make those has to be stopped!

Thats all!

Why do you always branch out?

You are bored at home? 

25.       oeince
582 posts
 27 Jul 2010 Tue 04:29 pm

You blame the guys of MHP from the beginning.

What now?

You think the other side is angel?

Be objective, if you don´t want to be called as racist!

26.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 27 Jul 2010 Tue 04:29 pm


Quoting oeince

What you shall do is saying that!

Any kinds of illegal attacks, regardless who make those has to be stopped!

Thats all!

Why do you always branch out?

You are bored at home? 

Since you are unable to say a word about the racism.

what does it make you? lol

A racist? ignorant? double faced? what?


27.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 27 Jul 2010 Tue 04:34 pm


Quoting oeince

You blame the guys of MHP from the beginning.

What now?

You think the other side is angel?

Be objective, if you don´t want to be called as racist!



You are not the sharpest knife in the draw and YOU KNOW IT..

You can call me racist but I  think anybody with a little bit of brains will know I am not and I can not be..

Of course racism has to be condemned first!!! And for the people who are unable to of the condemn the racism:

I know there are double faced people and most of them dont walk as proud  about it!!!

Edited (7/27/2010) by thehandsom

28.       sonunda
5004 posts
 27 Jul 2010 Tue 04:45 pm

Would you two guys please play nicely!

barba_mama, insallah, Tulip and Elisabeth liked this message
29.       oeince
582 posts
 27 Jul 2010 Tue 05:09 pm

I knew that you can not understand what you read! I will repeat again and again.

The nations which has nothing to lose sticks on their race. They tell heroic stories to each other and try to achieve back their self confidence. That so called confidence makes people more nationalist and those are unable to stand others ideas.

The situation of PKK supporters like you is just like that. 

Turkey, passed of that way too. Together with the disrupt of organisational infrstructure about 200 years ago and by the the effects of French revaluation Turkey and Turkish people begin to be more nationalist too. That so called natiolism which do not criticize her own, coused political mistakes. However that nationalism didn´t turn to be racism anytimes. If Turkish people ever became racist, She could not survive in 3 continents for 500 years.

One has to be moderate when s/he says words. If s/he just talks with her feelings, s/he can never reach the truth.

30.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 27 Jul 2010 Tue 05:37 pm


Quoting oeince

I knew that you can not understand what you read! I will repeat again and again.

The nations which has nothing to lose sticks on their race. They tell heroic stories to each other and try to achieve back their self confidence. That so called confidence makes people more nationalist and those are unable to stand others ideas.

The situation of PKK supporters like you is just like that. 

Turkey, passed of that way too. Together with the disrupt of organisational infrstructure about 200 years ago and by the the effects of French revaluation Turkey and Turkish people begin to be more nationalist too. That so called natiolism which do not criticize her own, coused political mistakes. However that nationalism didn´t turn to be racism anytimes. If Turkish people ever became racist, She could not survive in 3 continents for 500 years.

One has to be moderate when s/he says words. If s/he just talks with her feelings, s/he can never reach the truth.


That is what you are told. 

I dont think you know much about nationalism. You can  go and check what I wrote in my latest columns about nationalism how and when it is born etc..

It was Ottomans not Turks. Turkification and nationalism came to us 100 years ago with ittihat Ve Terakki.. That Turkish nationalism sorted out Armenians. Kurds were supressed and we tried to assimilate them all those years.. But they are not accepting it..

So before accusing anybody as racist, go and read something.. Start with my columns for example. Then read a bit more about how ´the skulls were measured´ to prove  the imaginary theories  for the nationalism you are unable to condemn..

if you dont THINK why "the biggest racist party in Europe" finds legitimacy in your own country  and you dont see its danger, you will only see its danger when our country is split because some others -like Kurds- said ´enough of your racism´. That is where we are going..

And Kurds are not the guilty ones here..

As long as you stick to ´skull measuring nationalism´ and  ´NOT UTTER A WORD´ about our home grown fascists and racists, you have no right to  accuse anybody with racism!!


Edited (7/27/2010) by thehandsom

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