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PKK declares unilateral Ramadan cease-fire
1.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 14 Aug 2010 Sat 05:47 pm


Democratic Society Congress calls for a "reciprocal ceasefire." 

 ...temporary ceasefire due to the arrival of the month of Ramadan, but it might turn into a permanent armistice.

Right after the escalation of violence, a total of 99 nongovernmental organizations in Diyarbakir as well as the DTK and the BDP called for a ´ceasefire.´ 

And of course the deaths of the former Batman Bar Association president, a human rights advocate and a relative of a member of the closed People’s Labor Party, or HEP, because of PKK landmines have led to the feeling ´enough is enough.´

The ceasefire will be a sensible development for the PKK’s image among the Kurds and for its safety.






This is a great news..

This is one more chance for peace.. I hope we can use it..


2.       si++
3785 posts
 18 Aug 2010 Wed 03:22 pm

So why have they decided to stay inactive till the end of the referendum? Kurds do not care about it, because there´s nothing about Kurds in it? That was why BDP, PKK extension in Turkish National Assembly, decided and recomended Kurds not to vote.

So what happenned? Why is this urgent decleration for no reason?

Behind the curtains, PKK were contacted (indirectly and unofficially) for this decision. Because it´s known that the terrorist attacks would make more voters say "No".

We will witness on the evening of 12-Sep-2010 that Kurdish voters will say "Yes" to the package.

And they will get something in return for sure.


Quoted from: here

3.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 18 Aug 2010 Wed 06:26 pm

I think the real demand for a cease fire came from Kurdish NGOs. People simply had enough of this war and they want peace..

There is also a belief in Kurdish side that PKK completed  its mission as they think  ´Kurdish movement does not need PKK anymore´. As one of the Kurdish intellects said ´if Diyarbakir was to be invaded by the USA army and there was not PKK, Kurds wont say yes to a cheap solution. PKK has to trust this reality more than they trust the arms´

All those, stone throwing children were proving that for a long time anyway...

But how did we come to this position?


a Turkish article (its title is: unbearable weightiness  of ignoring PKK)



Another interesting analysis from Ahmet Insel:


He says : 

Bugün PKK’yı ve Öcalan’ı Türkiye’de Kürt siyasal hareketinin merkez gücü konumuna getiren esas olarak milli güvenlik devleti ideolojisi ve onu besleyen riyakar bir milliyetçiliktir. Etnik vurgusu olmadığını iddia edip katıksız bir etnik milliyetçilik sergileyen Atatürk milliyetçiliği idelojisidir. 

Infact, the thing which made PKK and Ocalan as a central force in Kurdish political movement is the ideology of the national state security  and a hypocritical nationalism which feeds it.. Ideology of Ataturk nationalism which claims it is nothing to do with ethnicity but shows a sheer ethnic nationalism..    


4.       armegon
1872 posts
 19 Aug 2010 Thu 02:35 pm

si++, bro check the below link too, I posted  a while ago in "what caught my eye thread".


Quoting si++

So why have they decided to stay inactive till the end of the referendum? Kurds do not care about it, because there´s nothing about Kurds in it? That was why BDP, PKK extension in Turkish National Assembly, decided and recomended Kurds not to vote.

So what happenned? Why is this urgent decleration for no reason?

Behind the curtains, PKK were contacted (indirectly and unofficially) for this decision. Because it´s known that the terrorist attacks would make more voters say "No".

We will witness on the evening of 12-Sep-2010 that Kurdish voters will say "Yes" to the package.

And they will get something in return for sure.


Quoted from: here



5.       si++
3785 posts
 19 Aug 2010 Thu 03:15 pm


Quoting armegon

si++, bro check the below link too, I posted  a while ago in "what caught my eye thread".





Thank you! Apperantly it didn´t catch my eyes.

6.       armegon
1872 posts
 19 Aug 2010 Thu 08:51 pm

BDP is giving signals of reducing the pressure of boycotting referendum, at the same time as expected AKP rejected the claims that they had been in contact with pkk. AKP is also threatening every civil organizations about the referendum...

7.       si++
3785 posts
 20 Aug 2010 Fri 11:45 am


Quoting armegon

BDP is giving signals of reducing the pressure of boycotting referendum, at the same time as expected AKP rejected the claims that they had been in contact with pkk. AKP is also threatening every civil organizations about the referendum...


Recent polls show that the percentage of those  who will vote for "yes" is not above %45.


So this is another move to make Kurds vote for "yes".


What do Kurds will get in return? We will see...


Source: here

8.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 20 Aug 2010 Fri 12:33 pm


To be honest, I could not understand why Kurds were planning to boycott the referendum in the first place.. Because any civilian constitution would be better for them than the constitution made by the fascist generals!! (Not only for them but it would be better for every living Turkish person)

Do you see any half way decent democracy around, living with the consitution made by their military regimes? Spain, Greece they all got rid of the remnants of their fascist past. We are the only one, which has not confront its military past,  remaining in that club (I am assuming Turkey is intending to see herself in EU club)

People develop sense of freedom and democracy with the time and  Turkish people are begining the taste the freedom and democracy. So, we deserve to have a proper democracy in Turkey. We need a proper democracy. (Most importantly,  our Turkish people deserve that) 

But apart from that, it is a terrible sad news for the war supporters of course: There is a ceasefire and people are not dying. More over, people are talking about ´the political solution´. It is the first time Kurds are talking about giving up arms permanently..

End of armed conflict? Can we imagine that? 

I am sure this must be bothering for some people in Turkey. As many intellects have been mentioning, we have to make peace with somebody!! We have to talk with somebody. You can not make peace by yourself..

The question is very simple, I think:

Do we want peace or not?

if yes, you have to be prepared to speak to your opponent.

You have no option to say ´I want peace but I am not going to talk to the people fighting against me´.. 


Edited (8/20/2010) by thehandsom

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