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21 May 2006 Sun 09:15 pm |
I was studying cardinal and ordinal numbers. I am studying turkish by myself, it is hard to understand somethings by myself.
I would like to know about a web page which I can practice numbers. I have a doubt.
I already knew how build ordinal numbers. I need to add the suffix inci and this suffix changes according to vowel harmony. Ohh.! but.. uhm..
Here I write the vowels harmony. a,ı,o,u. e,i,ö,ü. The number are:
bir bir+inci = birinci
iki iki+inci = ikinci
üç ? =üçüncü
dört ? =dördüncü
beş beş+inci =beşinci
altı ? =altıncı
yedi yedi+inci =yedinci
sekiz sekiz+inci = sekizinci
dokuz ? =dokuzuncu
on ? =onuncu
For example: üç, I knew it changes for another sufix according harmony vowels, but how can I know the correct (üçuncü?
Why not It can follow with another vowel of thsi group (e,i,ö,ü) ?
Sorry, my mind is confused about it!!! IMADAT!
Can someone tell me which is the procedure to arrive and not use another vowel of the group.
Pufff! I think my doubts are growing because of harmony vowels!
çok sağolun!
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21 May 2006 Sun 09:21 pm |
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21 May 2006 Sun 09:23 pm |
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21 May 2006 Sun 10:03 pm |
Here is the answer:
Like many suffixes the -inci suffix has 4 versions:
The letter in paranthesis drops if the word ends with a vowel.
You decide which one to use by looking at the last vowel. It is always the last vowel that counts.
If the last vowel is 'a' or 'ı' you add -ıncı
If the last vowel is 'e' or 'i' you add -inci
If the last vowel is 'o' or 'u' you add -uncu
If the last vowel is 'ö' or 'ü' you add -üncü
bir : The last vowel is 'i' so I should use -inci
iki : The last vowel is 'i' and the word ends with a vowel so I should use -nci
dört : ö takes -üncü. T changes to d according consonant mutation rules. (*)
(*) Consonant mutation:
The voiced consonants 'p', 'ç', 't', 'k' will change to unvoiced consonants 'b', 'c', 'd', 'ğ/g' if they are followed by a vowel. Most one syllabling words don't follow this rule. In Turkish number of syllables equals to number of vowels.
Notice that the same rules mentioned above apply to other suffixes that have 4 versions such as question suffix (mı, mi, mu, mü) and past tense suffix (dı, di, du, dü).
So ve say 'güzel mi?', 'soğuk mu?' and 'geldi' (past tense of 'gelmek'), 'okudu' (past tense of 'okumak') according the same last vowel rule ('a' and 'ı' is followed by 'ı'... etc)
With suffixes that have only two versions (eg. plural suffix has only -ler and -lar forms) things are easier. Then you just match front vowels (e, i, ö, ü) to a front vowel (-ler) and back vowels (a, ı, o, u) to a bak vowel (-lar).
Don't hesitate to ask further questions if you haven't understood it properly. We are here to help Turkish learners.
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22 May 2006 Mon 11:02 pm |
Woow! Sağolun!
With their help I already understood, thanks again.
I am sure I will posting all my doubts, so see you soon!