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Turkish Class Forums / Language


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1.       Netzen
408 posts
 26 May 2006 Fri 05:20 am

I have learned so far that ın Turkısh there are no double vowels ın the same word lıke ın MAALESEF
Is thıs an exceptıon to the rule?

I'd apprecıate very much your helpıng me wıth thıs

Çok teşekkürler!

2.       Kadir37
0 posts
 26 May 2006 Fri 08:35 am

3.       Netzen
408 posts
 26 May 2006 Fri 02:52 pm

Çok Teşekkürler, Kadır!

Thank you very much for your exemple words and for the attached lınk. It really helped me a lot to clarıfy thıs topıc.


4.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 26 May 2006 Fri 03:38 pm

Quoting Kadir37:

Quoting Netzen:

I have learned so far that ın Turkısh there are no double vowels ın the same word lıke ın MAALESEF
Is thıs an exceptıon to the rule?

You can find more samples:
şiir, şair, saat, suare, seans, kauçuk, kooperatif
The sources of these words are foreign languages.


Quoting karatekin.net:


"olup" ile "olmadığı" arasına çizgi konur mu hiç? Ben o iteyi hazırlayanın Türkçesinde şÃ¼phe ettim şimdi...

Hem de "m" ile, "c" ile, "r" ile başlayan bir tane bile Türkçe kelime yok mu yani?

5.       oceanmavi
997 posts
 26 May 2006 Fri 04:12 pm

me and my bf had a funny discussion about this word yesturday, he asked me what 'im afraid so' meant, but i couldn't remember the word so i said 'it begins with maa', and he said 'no no it can't be a turkish word then, its not believe me'...hehe his face when i found it in the dictionary, he was like ooh i forgot that

6.       Kadir37
0 posts
 26 May 2006 Fri 04:39 pm

7.       Kadir37
0 posts
 26 May 2006 Fri 04:51 pm

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