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the cemetery gates
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 27 May 2006 Sat 06:49 pm

i would love you for ever if you could translate this i have translated it but without the feeling if you can would dan
"A dreaded sunny day so i'll meet you at the cemetery gates
keates and yates are on your side,but while whilde is on mine,
so we go inside and we gravely read the stones,all those people,and their lives,where are they now?
with their loves and hates,and passions just like mine they were born and they lived and they died,
you say "o thresh the sundown salutaion to the dawn"and you claim these words as your own,but i've read well and i've heard them said a hundred times maybe less maybe more,if you must write prose and poems, these words which you claim to be your own don't plagerise or take on loan,there's always someone somewhere with a big nose who knows and who'll trip you up and laugh when you fall
affedersin arkadasdim biraz uzundur ama ne yapiyim?eger yapabilirsan cok sevinerim yardimci olabilirsam bana yaz

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