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Turkish Class Forums / Language


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Is it true that...
1.       oreniyorum8
137 posts
 05 Jun 2006 Mon 11:35 am

Some people are better at learning languages than others? e.g. Do some people find it easier and do they pick it up quicker and if so why?

I find myself only speaking words of turkish that i know and never seem to pick any up from speaking with other turkish people - is it really possible for others to learn another language as i am finding it such a struggle to learn turksih and i just dont know why?

People tell me that the turkish grammer is not essential to learn and to try and learn the past present and tense for most of the verbs as they all follow the same rule... please can anyone tell me what ways they learn best and why?


2.       yusuf :)
0 posts
 05 Jun 2006 Mon 11:38 am

Quoting oreniyorum8:

please can anyone tell me what ways they learn best and why?


in my opion i think comuncation with native ppl of the langauge is the best way to learn new language

3.       Chantal
587 posts
 05 Jun 2006 Mon 12:35 pm

Hi Laura

It is definitely true that some people pick up a language easier than others. There's also a difference in how you pick up a language.

I will give you an example:
If I'm learning a language, I have to see the actual words before I can remember and use them again. But there are also people who learn a language by just listening to it, and copying what they hear!

I study English language and culture, and therefore I have a book called 'how languages are learned'. They describe that it's easier to learn a language when you're younger, because nobody minds if you're making a mistake when you're young. But when you grow older, it's more difficult to make a mistake because you feel 'stupid' when doing so.

To me it seems there's only one way of learning another language, and that is by reading a lot, listening to it a lot, and going to the country itself to get familiar with it, and speak it yourself!

Oh, and one thing that is totally not useful is learning words by heart. You have to learn words in context, else you'll not be able to use them! (of course there are exceptions..)

Good luck!

4.       wakering
8 posts
 05 Jun 2006 Mon 09:23 pm

I have learnt a number of foreign languages in my life and the best way i have found to learn is find a good teacher whether in a class or not .If you go to a country of which you are just learning the language and you can hear the imaginary voice of the techer in your ear,then you have found a good one .
Coupled to this is a good text book that suits YOU.Go through a library's shelf till you find one I have always found the BBC publications are amoung the best .Unfortunately ,i find the current crop of Turkish Grammar books and media dull and very very [cok cok ve cok ]uninspiring .With the exception of this web site and Manisa Turkish with many thanks to John Guise ] I would have given up on Turkish long ago .

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