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Mavı - Mavılım
1.       Netzen
408 posts
 06 Jun 2006 Tue 03:25 pm

2.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 06 Jun 2006 Tue 03:32 pm

Quoting Netzen:

Merhaba Arkadaşları!

I'd apprecıate very much your helpıng me to clarıfy the followıng
* ıf MAVI means blue and MAVILIM means my blue*eyed (boy or gırl)
where on earth are the words for 'eye' and 'boy' or 'gırl' ın MAVILIM? to mean 'My Blue*Eyed (boy or gırl)?

Thank you very much ın advance!
Çok Teşekküler!

if someone who has something blue in/on his/her, is you close friend or bf/gf or your doughter/son or little sister/brother etc., you can talk about hir/her az mavilim

mavili=with blue
even a blue t-shirt for example:
the girl in blue t-shirt, you can say about her: mavili kız
or like you wrote, s/he has blue eyes, and for example for your son or you bf/gf etc.: mavilim.
my mavili

there is also a same meaning but different word: mavişelim

mavilim mavişelim
tehnada buluşalım

3.       sophie
2712 posts
 06 Jun 2006 Tue 04:53 pm

Quoting caliptrix:

or like you wrote, s/he has blue eyes, and for example for your son or you bf/gf etc.: mavilim.
my mavili

I thought they were using the word çakır to describe someone with blue eyes.

4.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 06 Jun 2006 Tue 05:27 pm

Quoting sophie:

I thought they were using the word çakır to describe someone with blue eyes.

yesss, it is also a good example for that. "çakır gözlü"!

5.       Netzen
408 posts
 07 Jun 2006 Wed 06:27 am

Thank you very much to all of you for your help!

6.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 07 Jun 2006 Wed 06:33 am

Quoting Netzen:

Thank you very much to all of you for your help!

rica ederim

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