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leaked audito tape of the meeting between PKK and Turkish Gov.
1.       recond1te
25 posts
 15 Sep 2011 Thu 12:56 am



Hakan Fidan : Undersecretary of National Intelligence Organization

Afet Güneş  : Deputy Undersecretary of National Intelligence Organization

Mustafa Karasu : PKK member

Sabri Ok : PKK member


So as people will know on 22 august 2010 Erdoğan said whoever claims goverment is negotiating with terorist group PKK is ´dishonarable´(şerefsiz).I guess Erdoğan will have to eat his words now.

link > http://www.stratejikboyut.com/haber/erdoganispatlamayan-serefsizdir--41970.html

Sorry i couldnt find any english source.

What I wonder is that  when will our public will wake up ? When will those who support akp open their eyes and realise who this man really is ? I will go with never but you can always hope for miracles...


This tape should be mailed to every single family member of those who died for their country while fighting PKK.


Treason at it´s finest...


2.       si++
3785 posts
 15 Sep 2011 Thu 10:22 am

None of the opposition parties who attacked the government because of the tape’s release did so because the government was in contact with the PKK.


Actually one would have expected a harsh reaction from the Nationalist Movement Party, or MHP, whose typical line would be about the “blood of the martyrs.” Instead, two top hawkish party officials said in a press conference that it was probably the PKK who leaked the tape in order to stop the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AK Parti, government from carrying out a cross-border operation against PKK camps in Iraq. The MHP declared support for the government in conducting more actions against the PKK.


It is understood that the MİT talks with the PKK were a secret that everybody knew.

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3.       recond1te
25 posts
 15 Sep 2011 Thu 04:08 pm


Quoting si++

None of the opposition parties who attacked the government because of the tape’s release did so because the government was in contact with the PKK.


Actually one would have expected a harsh reaction from the Nationalist Movement Party, or MHP, whose typical line would be about the “blood of the martyrs.” Instead, two top hawkish party officials said in a press conference that it was probably the PKK who leaked the tape in order to stop the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AK Parti, government from carrying out a cross-border operation against PKK camps in Iraq. The MHP declared support for the government in conducting more actions against the PKK.


It is understood that the MİT talks with the PKK were a secret that everybody knew.



The problem is not talking with PKK its the way they talk.I guess people fail to see the point here.I dont give a rats ass what MHP or CHP says.We are talking about a PM publicly saying whoever CLAIMS WE ARE TALKING TO PKK IS ´´ŞEREFSİZ´´ then it turns out that the goverment indeed held talks not once but 5 times...I guess people in this country doesnt care about notions like ´´honour´´ anymore which doesnt surprise me.

All i hear from media is chirping sound.I wonder why ? Maybe oh maybe they are sell outs or scared of akp that they cant even put this news on page 1 except couple of news agencies.This country is heading towards to a civil war and sadly noone is aware of it.This tape shows that PKK is winning its war and this goverment has masters degree on lying and deception. 



4.       si++
3785 posts
 15 Sep 2011 Thu 07:07 pm


Quoting recond1te




The problem is not talking with PKK its the way they talk.I guess people fail to see the point here.I dont give a rats ass what MHP or CHP says.We are talking about a PM publicly saying whoever CLAIMS WE ARE TALKING TO PKK IS ´´ŞEREFSİZ´´ then it turns out that the goverment indeed held talks not once but 5 times...I guess people in this country doesnt care about notions like ´´honour´´ anymore which doesnt surprise me.

All i hear from media is chirping sound.I wonder why ? Maybe oh maybe they are sell outs or scared of akp that they cant even put this news on page 1 except couple of news agencies.This country is heading towards to a civil war and sadly noone is aware of it.This tape shows that PKK is winning its war and this goverment has masters degree on lying and deception. 




He sometimes easily gets going and say something without thinking. We all know about it.

- Ananı da al git

- Sayın öcalan

- kelle


And I´m sure he can defend himself by fliping those words.


People in this country approves whatever he does/says. Look at the votes he gets. I´m afraid it will be more than 50% next time. What can we say? By the way I am not one of those, and never will be.

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