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Picture uploads!!
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20.       sophie
2712 posts
 19 Jun 2006 Mon 09:55 pm

Quoting miss_ceyda:

yes, you would give slavica her credit here... you two seem very close ^o)
nyse başlamim ben.. hehe...

Awwwww my dear Ceyda! How are you this evening canım? Take these I know how much you appreciate them.

As for Slavica, yes honey, we are really close. And your cute little mind can't even imagine how grateful, happy and proud I am for that

21.       erdinc
2151 posts
 19 Jun 2006 Mon 10:23 pm

If you are uploading pictures that you have taken on your own in Turkia then you have a better chance to see them approved.

Other moderators might act differently but I personally don't approve pictures that have been copied from somewhere else, particularly from a professional photographer's collection or from another website. As Erdem expalined, big size, good perspective, a short text is essential. I think the picture should be taken by you as well. I don't like the professional pictures mixed with member's pictures of Turkia. If it was up to me I would either delete all pictures that were copied or put them somewhere else.

22.       bod
5999 posts
 20 Jun 2006 Tue 12:42 am

Quoting erdinc:

If you are uploading pictures that you have taken on your own in Turkia then you have a better chance to see them approved.

Other moderators might act differently but I personally don't approve pictures that have been copied from somewhere else, particularly from a professional photographer's collection or from another website. As Erdem expalined, big size, good perspective, a short text is essential. I think the picture should be taken by you as well. I don't like the professional pictures mixed with member's pictures of Turkia. If it was up to me I would either delete all pictures that were copied or put them somewhere else.

But do users get any kind of message to say that their picture is not going to be included on the site???

23.       sophie
2712 posts
 20 Jun 2006 Tue 01:06 am

Quoting bod:

But do users get any kind of message to say that their picture is not going to be included on the site???

Yes you get such a message. At least I got one from Erdem when I tried to upload some, explaining the reasons why those pics should be ignored. And I guess he was absolutely right to delete them. :-S

24.       bod
5999 posts
 20 Jun 2006 Tue 01:07 am

Can you tell that I have uploaded a sum total of zero pictures :-S

25.       Aenigma
0 posts
 20 Jun 2006 Tue 01:11 am

26.       sophie
2712 posts
 20 Jun 2006 Tue 01:11 am

Maybe they are still waiting to be approved. Come on! What's this sad face!

27.       bod
5999 posts
 20 Jun 2006 Tue 01:14 am

Quoting Aenigma:

And, if I may be frank, if you spent a little more time contributing something worthwhile to this website, or at least bothering to study Turkish, instead of posting silly, childish posts and trashing threads, then we would all be very grateful.... *whistles* la la la la la la laaaaaaaaa.........

But I am the king or queen of trashiness

28.       Aenigma
0 posts
 20 Jun 2006 Tue 01:16 am

29.       bod
5999 posts
 20 Jun 2006 Tue 01:19 am

Quoting Aenigma:

Quoting bod:

But I am the king or queen of trashiness

Well decide which? Because I am the other hahaha

Why do I have to decide - I shall be both

30.       bod
5999 posts
 20 Jun 2006 Tue 01:22 am

Quoting Aenigma:

OK - I shall be PRINCESS

Deal - I have a suitable head decoration for you

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