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Turkish Class Forums / Private Turkish Language Lessons

Private Turkish Language Lessons

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Moderators: admin, libralady
Learn and Speak Turkish in Istanbul(Reasonable Charge)
1.       parko
4 posts
 25 Mar 2013 Mon 06:06 pm

I have 10 years of experience helping foreigners feel comfortable in Turkish. While classes and books are available, often language learners need help feeling comfortable in speaking and understanding the culture. Everyone wants to be able to chatter away like the Turks but I have seen that many have different language needs. Some need to interact with clients in the business world, and some need to communicate relationally with a Turkish family they´ve just married into! I have many years of experience helping with almost every possible situation! Whether you are a total beginner or looking to refine your accent and slang, I am able to help you out wherever you are at with quite reasonable rates.

  Email: naszau@hotmail.com

2.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 25 Mar 2013 Mon 06:14 pm

How much is your rate in dollars/hr? Pls provide an approximate quote...

3.       parko
4 posts
 26 Mar 2013 Tue 10:12 am

My charge is 33 dollars=60 TL for 1,5 hours(90 minutes) including travel fee

4.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 26 Mar 2013 Tue 10:23 am

Thank you...

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