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Turkish Class Forums / Turkey


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Are these things true about the country Turkey ?
1.       iodine
23 posts
 19 Jan 2014 Sun 04:13 am

130,000 girls under 18 married in Turkey in last 3 years

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Burcu Dönmez (Photo: Cihan)
The drama of “K.E.,” a young girl who was married off at the age of 12, became a mother at 13, had a miscarriage with her second child at 14, and was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head in her house in Siirt´s Pervari district on Jan. 12, has brought the shame surrounding “child brides” in Turkey to the spotlight once again.

Stating that there have been 130,000 girls who married under the age of 18 over the last three years in the country, Dr. Burcu Donmez of Yaşar University´s law faculty notes that forced marriage must absolutely be covered as a part of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK). She says: "It is definitely inhuman to force anyone under the age of 15 to marry. In fact, the United Nations defines forced marriage as a kind of modern slavery.”

Data provided in June 2013 from the Interior Ministry illuminates the situation of child brides in Turkey. While there have been a total of 134,629 marriages involving persons under the age of 18 over the past three years, the number of males under the age of 18 married was just 5,763, while the number of girls under the age of 18 married off was 128,866. In other words, the number of underage girls married off in the past three years is 21 times the number of underage males marrying.

Should be counted as a crime

Dr. Dönmez, who stresses that marrying off children under the age of 15 needs to be seen and defined as a violation of children´s rights, says: "For anyone to be forced into marriage -- whether they are under the age of 15 or not -- is an inhuman and a terrible thing. In fact, the European Union produced 11 directives between the years of 2002 and 2006 aimed at preventing forced marriages. Turkey must also move to make forced marriage an injustice that calls for punishment and define it as its own category of crime. Forced marriage must be defined as a solid crime. This is why not only forcing someone into marriage, but forcing someone to continue a marriage, must be made a crime.”


2.       iodine
23 posts
 19 Jan 2014 Sun 04:15 am

Turkey passes controversial medical aid bill

Bill that makes it crime for doctors to provide emergency first aid without government authorisation comes into force.

Last updated: 18 Jan 2014 14:44
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After 11 years in power, Erdogan is accused of becoming increasingly authoritarian [AP]

A controversial medical bill that makes it a crime for doctors to provide emergency first aid without government authorisation has come into force in Turkey despite an outcry from rights groups.

Under the legislation that was approved by President Abdullah Gul on Friday, those convicted could be imprisoned for up to three years and face fines of nearly $1m from January 18.

Critics fear it could be used to bar doctors and medical workers from treating protesters wounded in anti-government demonstrations as reportedly happened during mass street protests in June last year.

The US-based Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) branded the legislation another attempt by the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to quash dissent.

"Passing a bill that criminalises emergency care and punishes those who care for injured protesters is part of the Turkish government´s relentless effort to silence any opposing voices," PHR senior medical adviser Vincent Iacopino said.

"This kind of targeting of the medical community is not only repugnant, but puts everyone´s health at risk," he said in a statement on the PHR website.

The legislation, drawn up by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), bars medical professionals from working outside state health institutions and is aimed at preventing doctors from setting up private clinics for example.

Medical professionals who break the law would face up to three years in prison and be fined up to $985,000 (728,000 euros).

Political protesters

Last month, the United Nations had also raised concerns about the bill and urged the government to reconsider it.

"If adopted, it will have a chilling effect on the availability and accessibility of emergency medical care in a country prone to natural disasters and a democracy that is not immune from demonstrations," UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Anand Grover, said in a statement.

"Enacting laws and policies criminalising provision of medical care to people challenging state authorities, such as political protesters, will certainly deter healthcare workers from providing services due to fear of prosecution," he said.

During the unrest which gripped the country last year, the Turkish doctors´ association repeatedly accused government forces of preventing medics from treating injured people.

At least six people were killed and about 8,000 hurt in nationwide clashes between police and protesters who took to the streets in a wave of public opposition to Erdogan.

After 11 years in power, Erdogan is accused of becoming increasingly authoritarian and of trying to impose greater government control and his conservative religious values on all sectors of the traditionally secular society.


3.       iodine
23 posts
 19 Jan 2014 Sun 04:23 pm

Turkey protests over government´s internet usage law

19 January 2014 Last updated at 02:58 GMT

Turkish police have used tear gas and water cannon to disperse hundreds of protesters in Istanbul and Ankara.

The demonstrations were over a proposed government law to increase controls on internet usage. The controversial bill will give the government the authority to keep records of all user activities for up to two years. Tim Allman reports.

4.       iodine
23 posts
 19 Jan 2014 Sun 04:24 pm

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Mr Erdogan has positioned himself as a potential presidential candidate

He has called the corruption investigation a "smear campaign" and urged his supporters to vote for his AK Party in upcoming local elections.

Turkey´s lira has fallen to a new low against the dollar.

The European Union - which Turkey hopes to join - has urged Ankara to address the corruption allegations in an "impartial manner".

This summer, Turkey will vote for a new president.

Over the past year, Mr Erdogan has positioned himself as a potential candidate but analysts say he now faces an organised opponent within the system he has dominated for a decade.


5.       iodine
23 posts
 19 Jan 2014 Sun 04:28 pm

I have changed my mind about going to a country that is run by a dictatorship.

From what I have read in the past couple of months on internet about the way Turkey is rapidly changing, I have decided to take my holiday elsewhere. I feel sorry for those who have to live and endure this lifestyle. It looks like freedom has been taken away. Now this guy wants to be president. Looks like an assassination is in order!

foka liked this message
6.       iodine
23 posts
 04 Mar 2014 Tue 05:12 pm




Is PM Erdoğan corrupt?



One of the major problems with regard to what’s going on nowadays in Turkey stems from the definition of corruption by the head of the powerful Turkish government, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: “What I understand about corruption is this: Are the state’s coffers being robbed or not?” he said in an interview with Al-Jazeera on Feb. 11. He gave this definition upon a question about the $4.5 million in cash found in shoeboxes in the house of the former general manager of the state-run Halkbank.

According to Erdoğan, the money found in the general manager’s house was not the bank’s money, so accusing the general manager of corruption or fraud was baseless.

Former Interior Minister Muammer Güler’s $10 million bribe (plus his son’s 1 trillion Turkish Liras, found in his house; the $1.5 million transferred to former EU Minister Egemen Bağış, and the $52 million Zafer Çağlayan bribed, are not considered corruption in the eyes of Erdoğan because that money was not robbed from the state. (All these amounts are documented in the summary of proceedings prepared for these ministers, although these proceedings have yet to be introduced to Parliament due to the government’s blockage.)

Opposition parties have long criticized Erdoğan for his inaction over corruption claims. They even argued that he was personally involved in corruption, by asking about the millions of dollars from businessmen who are making huge profits from lucrative tenders distributed by the government. The opposition suggests that Erdoğan created a well-functioning network for pro-government businessmen, who then found ways to show their gratefulness to the government. Transferring a few million dollars to designated foundations or directly to the houses of government members was just a part of this understanding, the opposition claimed.

A recent leaked voice recording between the prime minister and his son shows that Erdoğan should stick to his very original definition of corruption, as it could be the only way for him to explain the millions of euros or dollars allegedly in his family’s house. He denied the recordings and said they were fabricated, while an Ankara prosecutor has launched a probe into the leaked tape.

However, defining corruption as being solely made up of money stolen from state coffers is obviously a non-starter for ethical governance, which is something Turkey needs more than ever. Because today’s picture depicts a country where some very key notions that have vital importance for the protection of social order in a country - such as ethics, justice, conscience, and so on - are under threat.

In the absence of ethical governance, it will be extremely difficult to keep economic, political and social stability. That’s why Erdoğan should immediately adopt a more universal definition of corruption and then do his best to fight against corruption and graft claims. He should start his job with his own ministers by allowing an effective investigation of corruption and graft claims, without discrimination.

This is the only way for Erdoğan to convince his country and the world that he is not corrupt and is fully clean. Otherwise, we have every right to be suspicious of him.

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