very good post by you.
thank you for using Turkish characters in your question. I wish one day everyone, especially our members from Türkiye will use the Turkish characters. It helps double clicking and checking the words and it helps learning them properly.
"verdiğin" can be two different things. Either, as Ali said, it is a "verbal adjective" or it is an "Adverbial Clauses of Time".
When a verbal adjective, it modifies the noun which is usually is next to it.
When an Adverbial Clauses of Time, it is used together with a suffix or word to express a certain time.
verdiğinde: when you gave
verdiğin zaman: when you gave
verdiğin gibi: as you gave
You need to tell us the next word to be sure which one it is.
example 1:
As verbal adjective:
Bu iş için bana "verdiğin zaman" çok kısa.
The "time you have given" me for this job is too short.
As Adverbial Clauses of Time:
Arabayı tamire "verdiğin zaman" ne yapacaksın?
What will you do "when you give" the car for repairing?
example 2:
As verbal adjective:
"Gördüğüm film" çok güzeldi.
"The film I saw" was very nice.
As Adverbial Clauses of Time:
"Gördüğüm zaman" çok şaşırdım.
I was very surprised "when I saw".
example 3:
As verbal adjective:
"Okuduğun kitap" çok eski.
"The book you read" is very old.
As Adverbial Clauses of Time:
Bunu "okuduğun zaman" çok küçüktün.
You were very young "when you read" this.