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1.       tunci
7149 posts
 18 Aug 2014 Mon 08:25 pm


 Complete the missing parts in the sentences below


1) Nasıl ol.. ben  ..  an…....

How did it happen I didn’t understand either.


2) Ne  ..  gör…...  ?  Hiç  ...   ş..

What I see ?  Nothing.


3) Kim..  oğ.....   s.. ?

Whose son are you ?


4) Ba.....  oğ.....


I am my father’s son.

2.       KediNero
418 posts
 18 Aug 2014 Mon 09:04 pm


Quoting tunci


 Complete the missing parts in the sentences below


1) Nasıl oldu ben de anlamadım.

How did it happen I didn’t understand either.


2) Ne mi görüyorum? Hiç bir şey.

What I see ?  Nothing.


3) Kimin oğlusun sen?

Whose son are you ?


4) Babamın oğluyum.


I am my father’s son.



Edited (8/19/2014) by KediNero

tunci liked this message
3.       GulBahar
224 posts
 18 Aug 2014 Mon 10:33 pm


Quoting tunci


 Complete the missing parts in the sentences below


1) Nasıl oldu ben  de  anlamadım.

How did it happen I didn’t understand either.


2) Neyi  görüyorum  ?  Hiç  bir   şey

What I see ?  Nothing.


3) Kim.in oğ.lusun   sen ?

Whose son are you ?


4) Babamın oğluyum.


I am my father’s son.


Kolay olduğu rağmen yalnış şeyler çıkacak


I think there´ll mistakes eventhough questions are supposed to be easy

Edited (8/18/2014) by GulBahar
Edited (8/18/2014) by GulBahar

tunci liked this message
4.       denizli
970 posts
 19 Aug 2014 Tue 12:37 am


3 quizzes in one day, yeah!


Quoting tunci


 Complete the missing parts in the sentences below


1) Nasıl oldu ben  de  anlamadım.

How did it happen I didn’t understand either.


2) Ne  mi  gördüm  ?  Hiç  bir   şey.

What I see ?  Nothing.


3) Kimin  oğlusun   sen ?

Whose son are you ?


4) Babamın  oğluyum.

I am my father’s son.



tunci liked this message
5.       tunci
7149 posts
 19 Aug 2014 Tue 12:57 am

 Complete the missing parts in the sentences below


1) Nasıl oldu ben  de  anlamadım.

How did it happen I didn’t understand either.


2) Ne   mi görüyorum ?  Hiç  bir   şey.

What I see ?  Nothing.


3) Kimin  oğlusun   sen ?

Whose son are you ?


4) Babamın  oğluyum.


I am my father’s son.

Edited (8/19/2014) by tunci

GulBahar liked this message
6.       matdamon
74 posts
 24 Jan 2015 Sat 09:38 pm


Quoting tunci

 Complete the missing parts in the sentences below


1) Nasıl oldu ben  de  anlamadım.

How did it happen I didn’t understand either.


2) Ne   mi görüyorum ?  Hiç  bir   şey.

What I see ?  Nothing.




İki sorum var :


1. Why don´t we put an accusative suffix in the first sentence :

Nasıl olduğunu ben de anlamadım


2. Why do we add the "mi" particle? Can´t we just say : 

Ne görüyorum ? Hiç bir şey.



Edited (1/24/2015) by matdamon

7.       raydin
135 posts
 24 Jan 2015 Sat 11:46 pm


Quoting tunci


 Complete the missing parts in the sentences below


1) Nasıl olmuş ben  de anlamadım

How did it happen I didn’t understand either.


2) Ne  mı göruyorum  ?  Hiç  bir  şey

What I see ?  Nothing.


3) Kimin  oğlususun sen?

Whose son are you ?


4) Babamın oğluyum


I am my father’s son.



8.       raydin
135 posts
 24 Jan 2015 Sat 11:46 pm


Quoting tunci


 Complete the missing parts in the sentences below


1) Nasıl olmuş ben  de anlamadım

How did it happen I didn’t understand either.


2) Ne  mı göruyorum  ?  Hiç  bir  şey

What I see ?  Nothing.


3) Kimin  oğlususun sen?

Whose son are you ?


4) Babamın oğluyum


I am my father’s son.



9.       Jansay
56 posts
 25 Jan 2015 Sun 08:37 am

Sorry to crash your party, but it should be "hiçbir şey". I know it´s a tough word, but remember this simple rule of thumb my friend taught me a few days ago: the word "şey" is always written seperately.


Bir şey

Her şey

Birçok şey

Hiçbir şey




1) That´s another way to say it, actually. Both are correct. Your proposal is more formal, however. The other one´s simpler and used in everyday language.


2) We simply can not form a question without "-mi". There´s just a tiny exception with words like "Tamam" "Oldu" where we can just say them like we´re asking questions without having to add -mi; but otherwise -mi is mandatory. (See: The 14th post on the topic)


Hope it was helpful,


Edited (1/25/2015) by Jansay

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10.       matdamon
74 posts
 25 Jan 2015 Sun 12:43 pm


Quoting Jansay

2) We simply can not form a question without "-mi". There´s just a tiny exception with words like "Tamam" "Oldu" where we can just say them like we´re asking questions without having to add -mi; but otherwise -mi is mandatory.


Hope it was helpful,



Thank you Jansay for your answers !


However, I don´t agree with your second point.

With certain words such as "Neden, Nasıl, Hangi..." we never use -mi. For instance :

Neden bunu yaptın ? = Why did you do that ?

Dün ne yaptın = What did you do yesterday ?


In those cases we don´t need -mi so why does in this case we use it ?

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