I couldn´t find a proper forum where to discuss this, and I entered this site.
Hope you can help me with this one, turkish boys and turkish girls as well. I have an english friend who was involved in a relationship with a turkish girl and he´s trying to break up with her definitively, but he doesn´t know how to do it. The girl seems to be very bipolar: for the moment she can talk nice to him, and if he won´t answer her or something like that she´s very rude and she talks really ugly with him. The guy told me he´s afraid that she might do some crazy thing if he shal dump her. It´s a very toxic relationship and he´s aware of that, but he couldn´t find the proper manner to end up his relationship with her. He told me turkish girls can be very childish sometimes and act like that. That girl is 23 years old but she´s acting like she´s 15 years old: she´s harassing him and she knows she has a huge influente on him and she´s taking avantage of that. I don´t know how, but she has a very bad influence over him and she´s manipulating him and he knows that, but he wants to get rid of her, He told me she´s soaking his energy and he feels bad.
Can somebody help me with this problem? Thank you.