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Ey Özgürlük!
1.       trip
297 posts
 11 Jun 2015 Thu 12:29 pm

I am working on translating "Ey Özgürlük!" but I want to make sure I am on the right track. The person in the song is writing freedom´s name, but all the phrases use "-e/-a" endings where I think he means "on" or "in." For example: "Okulda defterime ... yazarım adını." So I am thinking this means: "In my notebook at school ... I write its name." Perhaps this is working like "koymak"? In English we put something "on" something, but in Turkish you put something "at" something, yes? But maybe I am misunderstanding altogether. ... Teşekkürler!

2.       kertmeyenkele
100 posts
 12 Jun 2015 Fri 11:31 am

Deftere yazı yazmak = To write (something) on (the pages of) the notebook

Tahtaya yazı yazmak = To write on the (black)board


The case suffixes should be memorised with the verbs. I believe the (good) dictionaries list the case suffixes with each verb.


I gave a thought for different case suffixes for this particular example:

Defterde yazı yazmak = To exist something written on (the pages of) the notebook

Tahtada yazı yazmak = To exist something written on the (black)board


Defterde ne yazıyor? = What is (has been) written on the notebook?

Tahtada ne yazıyor? = What is (has been) written on the (black)board?


Defterden yazı yazmak = To copy something from something written on (the pages of) the notebook

Tahtadan yazı yazmak = To copy something from something written on the (black)board



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3.       trip
297 posts
 14 Jun 2015 Sun 12:03 pm

Quote: kertmeyenkele

Deftere yazı yazmak = To write (something) on (the pages of) the notebook

Tahtaya yazı yazmak = To write on the (black)board


The case suffixes should be memorised with the verbs. I believe the (good) dictionaries list the case suffixes with each verb.


Yes, usually my dictionary gives the suffixes that are proper with each verb. But it didn´t seem to address this issue for "yazmak." It gave the accusative for "writing something." And it gave the dative for "writing for something" like a newspaper. That´s why I was puzzled.

Your explanation was very clear. Çok teşekkür ederim! 


4.       trip
297 posts
 20 Jun 2015 Sat 09:03 am

Here is my completed attempt to translate the song. I know I must have some things wrong here. For instance, I am baffled by "camların oyununa." Links for the song are at the bottom. ... Teşekkürler!


Okulda defterime -- In my notebook at school,
Sırama ağaçlara -- On my bench, on trees,
Yazarım adını -- I will write its name.

Okunmuş yapraklara -- On pages that have been read,
Bembeyaz sayfalara -- On the snow-white pages,
Yazarım adını -- I will write its name.

Yaldızlı imgelere -- On gilded images, 
Toplara tüfeklere -- On cannons, on rifles,
Kralların tacına -- On the crowns of kings,

En güzel gecelere -- On the most beautiful nights,
Günün ak ekmeğine -- On the white bread of feast days,
Yazarım adını -- I will write its name.

Tarlalara ve ufka -- In fields and on the horizon,
Kuşların kanadına -- On the wings of birds,
Gölgede değirmene yazarım -- In the shadows, I write it on the grinding machine,
Uyanmış patikaya -- On the wakened path,
Serilip giden yola -- On the spreading, outbound road,
Hınca hınç meydanlara adını -- In the overflowing public squares, I will write its name.

Ey özgürlük! -- O freedom!

Kapımın eşiğine -- On the threshold of the door,
Kabıma kacağıma -- On my pot, on my pan,
İçimdeki aleve -- On the flame that is inside me.

Camların oyununa -- On games of glass,
Uyanık dudaklara -- On guarded lips,
Yazarım adını -- I will write its name.

Yıkılmış evlerime -- On my demolished houses, 
Sönmüş fenerlerime -- On my extinguished lanterns,
Derdimin duvarına -- On the walls of my troubles.

Arzu duymaz yokluğa -- On absence that does not feel longing,
Çırçıplak yalnızlığa -- On stark naked loneliness, 
Yazarım adını -- I will write its name.

Geri gelen sağlığa -- On returning health,
Geçen her tehlikeye -- On every danger that has passed,
Yazarım ben adını, yazarım -- I will write its name, I will write.

Bir sözün coşkusuyla -- With the excitement of a promise,
Dönüyorum hayata -- I am coming back to life,
Senin için doğmuşum haykırmaya -- To shouting, "I was born for you!" 

Ey özgürlük! -- O freedom!

5.       kertmeyenkele
100 posts
 20 Jun 2015 Sat 10:17 am

adın=your name

adı=its name

adını = your name or its name


I know it´s ambigous but he´s talking to freedom as if it was a real person. So you should use "your name" instead of "its name"

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