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Süt ve sütü içiyorum? Accusative
1.       Milena215
61 posts
 31 Jul 2015 Fri 02:30 pm

Süt ve sütü içiyorum? {#emotions_dlg.get_you}
What is correct? I think sütü because this is in accusative. 
Are a, e, u, ü, i, ı suffixes for accusative or? {#emotions_dlg.confused}

Edited (7/31/2015) by Milena215

2.       evren52
2 posts
 31 Jul 2015 Fri 02:53 pm



  • Süt içiyorum - I am  drinking milk ,the answer of "what are you doing now" OR we sometimes use present continuous to mean aorist  so this sentence can also  mean  "I drink milk" (general) another example for this "Her gün tv izliyorum - Everyday I watch TV"

  • Sütü içiyorum - I am drinking the milk - there is accusative form and the object is particular, you are drinking the milk which you hv mentioned or the person u r talking to already knows the milk

  •  ■ Both are gramatically  correct , so we must look at the  text they are used in to decide which one is correct


Edited (7/31/2015) by evren52

Faruk liked this message
3.       Milena215
61 posts
 31 Jul 2015 Fri 03:03 pm


Quoting evren52



  • Süt içiyorum - I am  drinking milk ,the answer of "what are you doing now" OR we sometimes use present continuous to mean aorist  so this sentence can also  mean  "I drink milk" (general) another example for this "Her gün tv izliyorum - Everyday I watch TV"

  • Sütü içiyorum - I am drinking the milk - there is accusative form and the object is particular, you are drinking the milk which you hv mentioned or the person u r talking to already knows the milk

  •  ■ Both are gramatically  correct , so we must look at the  text they are used in to decide which one is correct



Thanks {#emotions_dlg.bigsmile}

Do you know, are a, e, u, ü, i, ı suffixes for accusative or? 

Edited (7/31/2015) by Milena215

4.       evren52
2 posts
 31 Jul 2015 Fri 03:04 pm

-a and -e are not for accusative they are for dative form which  means TO , but -i -ı -u and -ü are for acusative  

Edited (7/31/2015) by evren52
Edited (7/31/2015) by evren52

Milena215 liked this message
5.       Milena215
61 posts
 31 Jul 2015 Fri 03:06 pm


Quoting evren52

Yes , they are for accusative


Thanks {#emotions_dlg.bigsmile}

6.       Milena215
61 posts
 31 Jul 2015 Fri 03:10 pm


Quoting evren52

-a and -e are not for accusative they are for dative form which  means TO , but -i -ı -u and -ü are for acusative  


Thanks {#emotions_dlg.bigsmile}

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