Living - working in Turkey |
i´d really use your help
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07 Jan 2016 Thu 11:20 pm |
Hi) i´m originally from turkey but i´ve been living since childhood in europe. I plan to come back to continue my education and already chose Marmara University. What can you tell me about it? And also about muyos exam which as i found out, i need to pass. Please help if you can, thanks!
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08 Jan 2016 Fri 07:40 pm |
I graduated from Marmara but which division you will attend? It is one of the high class university of "Turkey". But there are better ones. Good luck with your education.
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08 Jan 2016 Fri 11:38 pm |
I wanted to choose something like biology, or any other science really. But as i searched, none of the courses is in english. I got stuck right there
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09 Jan 2016 Sat 12:11 am |
go to link
scroll down and select importance of english and just above it desired course to study it will give you link of univeristies for that course outline
good luck
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09 Jan 2016 Sat 11:10 am |
I wanted to choose something like biology, or any other science really. But as i searched, none of the courses is in english. I got stuck right there
Boğaziçi University Molecular Biology and Genetics seems the best one in Turkey. Istanbul Technical University also has same division. And both are in Istanbul.