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When to use ´-in icinde´ and just ´de´
1.       diamondsevrywhr
10 posts
 17 Jan 2016 Sun 01:38 am

Is there any difference in meaning? for example,

"çantamdaki kıtapları aldım" and "çantamın icindeki kitapları aldım"




"O evimde yaşar" and "O evimin içinde yaşar" 

Edited (1/17/2016) by diamondsevrywhr

2.       JNQ
465 posts
 17 Jan 2016 Sun 11:40 am

Actually the difference is the same as in English:

- in/at, or

- in/at the inside of

Which would you choose?


3.       Henry
2604 posts
 17 Jan 2016 Sun 12:19 pm


Quoting diamondsevrywhr

Is there any difference in meaning? for example,

"çantamdaki kıtapları aldım" and "çantamın icindeki kitapları aldım"




"O evimde yaşar" and "O evimin içinde yaşar" 

My thoughts on the first part:

The first sentence can have 2 meanings

I bought the books that are in my bag. (normal meaning)

I bought the books that are on my bag. (also possible)

The second sentence has only the one possibility

I bought the books that are in my bag.


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4.       diamondsevrywhr
10 posts
 18 Jan 2016 Mon 09:14 am


so both ways mean the same, good to know. Teşekkürler



Edited (1/18/2016) by diamondsevrywhr

5.       JNQ
465 posts
 18 Jan 2016 Mon 09:45 am


Quoting diamondsevrywhr

so both ways mean the same, good to know. Teşekkürler


Well, they both mean that something is inside something else but they are not interchangeable. In English you don´t say "He lives in the inside of my house", you say "He lives in my house." So don´t get too comfortable thinking they mean the same


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