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Turkish Music, Singers and Lyrics

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Can Bedenden Çıkmayınca
1.       trip
297 posts
 20 Jan 2016 Wed 12:09 pm

Merhabalar! I am trying to learn to play the piano, and I am working on a beginner´s version of "Gülpembe."  This got me to listening again to my favorite Turkish artist, Barış Manço. I have always loved "Can Bedenden Çıkmayınca." Here is my attempt at translating the lyrics. The word order seemed a bit tricky to me, so you may have to help me in places. Çok teşekkürler!

Can Bedenden Çıkmayınca -- When Life Does Not Leave the Body

Kara haber tez duyulur unutsun beni demişsin -- Bad news travels fast. Let him be forgotten. You meant me.
Bende kalan resimleri mektupları istemişsin -- You wanted the pictures and letters that remained with me.
Üzülme sevdiceğim bir daha çıkmam karşına -- Don´t be upset. I would have loved once more. I do not oppose you.
Sana son kez yazıyorum hatıralar yeter bana -- I am writing to you a final time. The memories are enough for me.

Unutma ki dünya fani, veren allah alır canı 
-- Do not forget that everyone is mortal. The God who gives life also takes life.
Ben nasıl unuturum seni can bedenden çıkmayınca -- How do I forget you when life does not leave the body?

Kurumuş bir çiçek buldum mektupların arasında -- I found a dried flower among the letters.
Bir tek onu saklıyorum, onu da çok görme bana -- I am saving only that. Don´t also begrudge me that.
Aşkların en güzelini yaşamıştık yıllarca -- For years, we had lived the most beautiful of loves.
Bütün hüzünlü şarkılar hatırlatır seni bana -- All the sad songs remind me of you.

Unutma ki dünya fani, veren allah alır canı -- Do not forget that everyone is mortal. The God who gives life also takes life.
Ben nasıl unuturum seni can bedenden çıkmayınca -- How do I forget you when life does not leave the body?

Kırıldı kanadım kolum ne yerim var ne yurdum -- My arm was broken. I bled. I have neither property nor home.
Gurbet ele düştü yolum yuvasız kuşlar misali -- My way fell into foreign lands. Like birds without a nest.
Selvi boylum senin için katlanırım bu yazgıya -- My graceful one, I endure this fate for you.
Böyle yazmışsa yaradan kara toprak yeter bana -- If the creator writes it this way, the dark earth is enough for me.

Unutma ki dünya fani, veren allah alır canı -- Do not forget that everyone is mortal. The God who gives life also takes life.
Ben nasıl unuturum seni can bedenden çıkmayınca -- How do I forget you when life does not leave the body?

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMFNa9jPiWU

Izlesene: https://www.izlesene.com/video/baris-manco-can-bedenden-cikmayinca/159681

denizli liked this message
2.       kertmeyenkele
100 posts
 21 Jan 2016 Thu 01:16 pm


Quoting trip

Merhabalar! I am trying to learn to play the piano, and I am working on a beginner´s version of "Gülpembe."  This got me to listening again to my favorite Turkish artist, Barış Manço. I have always loved "Can Bedenden Çıkmayınca." Here is my attempt at translating the lyrics. The word order seemed a bit tricky to me, so you may have to help me in places. Çok teşekkürler!

Can Bedenden Çıkmayınca -- When Life Does Not Leave the Body

Kara haber tez duyulur unutsun beni demişsin -- Bad news travels fast. Let him be forgotten. You meant me. Bad news speads fast. They say you said "let him (me) forget me"
Bende kalan resimleri mektupları istemişsin -- You wanted the pictures and letters that remained with me.
Üzülme sevdiceğim bir daha çıkmam karşına -- Don´t be upset. I would have loved once more. I do not oppose you. Don´t be sorry my lovely I will never meet with you face to face again
Sana son kez yazıyorum hatıralar yeter bana -- I am writing to you a final time. The memories are enough for me.

Unutma ki dünya fani, veren allah alır canı 
-- Do not forget that everyone is mortal. The God who gives life also takes life.
Ben nasıl unuturum seni can bedenden çıkmayınca -- How do I forget you when life does not leave the body?

Kurumuş bir çiçek buldum mektupların arasında -- I found a dried flower among the letters.
Bir tek onu saklıyorum, onu da çok görme bana -- I am saving only that. Don´t also begrudge me that.
Aşkların en güzelini yaşamıştık yıllarca -- For years, we had lived the most beautiful of loves.
Bütün hüzünlü şarkılar hatırlatır seni bana -- All the sad songs remind me of you.

Unutma ki dünya fani, veren allah alır canı -- Do not forget that everyone is mortal. The God who gives life also takes life.
Ben nasıl unuturum seni can bedenden çıkmayınca -- How do I forget you when life does not leave the body?

Kırıldı kanadım kolum ne yerim var ne yurdum -- My arm was broken. I bled. I have neither property nor home.
Gurbet ele düştü yolum yuvasız kuşlar misali -- My way fell into foreign lands. Like birds without a nest.
Selvi boylum senin için katlanırım bu yazgıya -- My graceful one, I endure this fate for you.
Böyle yazmışsa yaradan kara toprak yeter bana -- If the creator writes it this way, the dark earth is enough for me.

Unutma ki dünya fani, veren allah alır canı -- Do not forget that everyone is mortal. The God who gives life also takes life.
Ben nasıl unuturum seni can bedenden çıkmayınca -- How do I forget you when life does not leave the body?

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMFNa9jPiWU

Izlesene: https://www.izlesene.com/video/baris-manco-can-bedenden-cikmayinca/159681



trip and denizli liked this message
3.       trip
297 posts
 24 Jan 2016 Sun 09:22 am

Quote: kertmeyenkele

Kara haber tez duyulur unutsun beni demişsin
Bad news speads fast. They say you said "let him (me) forget me"


I see what I did wrong here with "unutsun." I made it passive and got myself all turned around. But I´m not sure I´m clear about what is happening here. "Bad news spreads fast" = "Kara haber tez duyulur." Or literally: "Bad news is heard quickly." Yes? (In English, the expression is "Bad news travels fast.") And then "Unutsun beni demişsin" = "You said, "Let him forget me." So the "they say" is just implied? I guess because of the "miş"? Am I understanding the different parts of the line correctly?

I think I am getting rusty.

Thank you for your help, kertemeyenkele.

Edited (1/24/2016) by trip

4.       kertmeyenkele
100 posts
 24 Jan 2016 Sun 11:35 am


Quoting trip

I see what I did wrong here with "unutsun." I made it passive and got myself all turned around. But I´m not sure I´m clear about what is happening here. "Bad news spreads fast" = "Kara haber tez duyulur." Or literally: "Bad news is heard quickly." Yes? Literally yes (In English, the expression is "Bad news travels fast." OK it is better. That´s exactly it. It happen to me to translate it that way.) And then "Unutsun beni demişsin" = "You said, "Let him forget me." So the "they say" is just implied? I guess because of the "miş"? Exactly -mişsin = They say or I heard that you ... Am I understanding the different parts of the line correctly?

So you say "let him forget me" to some people (about me) where him=me me=you

I think I am getting rusty.

Thank you for your help, kertemeyenkele.



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