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Turkish Music, Singers and Lyrics

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Doldur -- Sıla
1.       trip
297 posts
 02 Mar 2016 Wed 11:11 am

Hello! I´ve tried to translate Sıla´s song "Doldur," but I´m pretty sure I am in trouble in a couple of places. My dictionary says "buraları" means "these places," but I feel like it means "those here" in this song. Can you tell me if I am right? Also, I am completely guessing about "susandan" and "coşandan." Oh, and although it doesn´t appear in the lyrics I found on the Internet, I am sure I hear Sıla sing the word "rahat" at the end of one line. Would this be short for "Rahat ol"? ... Yardımınız için teşekkür ederim.

Doldur -- Fill It Up

Doldur, bir tane daha doldur, -- Fill it up, fill it up once more.
Bak, yine kurtardık buraları. -- Look, we rescued those here again.

Anlat kardeşim, ben dinlerim gönlüm yettiğince, -- Tell it, my brother. I am listening with all my heart.
Masada kalır her şey, haydi gel şerefe. -- Everything stays at the table. Come on, come, cheers!
Kim kırmış seni, kim yormuş öfkesiyle, -- Who offended you? Who wearied you with his rage?
Bu masada kalır her şey, haydi gel şerefe. -- Everything stays at the table. Come on, come, cheers!

Doldur, bir tane daha doldur, -- Fill it up, fill it up once more.
Bak, yine kurtardık buraları. -- Look, we rescued those here again.

Kimi ateşten kor, kimi tutsak, kimi cesur, kimi korkak, -- Some are red-hot with zeal, some are prisoners, some are courageous, some are cowardly,
Susandan da, coşandan da, fazlamız var, rahat. -- We have more than those who remain silent, than those who get excited. Relax.

Ama önce doldur, bir tane daha doldur, -- But first fill it up, fill it up once more.
Bak, yine kurtardık buraları. -- Look, we rescued those here again.

Bırak onlar kapışsın, yarışsınlar gölgeleriyle -- Leave it. Let them scramble for it. Let them race with their shadows.
Bu masada kalır her şey, haydi gel şerefe. -- Everything stays at this table. Come on, come, cheers!
Kim kırmış seni, kim yormuş öfkesiyle, -- Who offended you? Who wearied you with his rage?
Bu masada kalır her şey, haydi gel şerefe. -- Everything stays at this table. Come on, come, cheers!

Doldur, bir tane daha doldur, -- Fill it up, fill it up once more.
Bak, yine kurtardık buraları. -- Look, we rescued those here again.

Kimi ateşten kor, kimi tutsak, kimi cesur, kimi korkak, -- Some are red-hot with zeal, some are prisoners, some are courageous, some are cowardly,
Susandan da, coşandan da, fazlamız var, rahat. -- We have more than those who stay quiet, than those who get excited. Relax.

Ama önce doldur, bir tane daha doldur, -- But first fill it up, fill it up once more.
Bak, yine kurtardık buraları. -- Look, we rescued those here again.

juju liked this message
2.       scalpel - -
203 posts
 07 Mar 2016 Mon 01:46 am


Quoting trip

Hello! I´ve tried to translate Sıla´s song "Doldur," but I´m pretty sure I am in trouble in a couple of places. My dictionary says "buraları" means "these places," but I feel like it means "those here" in this song. Can you tell me if I am right? Also, I am completely guessing about "susandan" and "coşandan." Oh, and although it doesn´t appear in the lyrics I found on the Internet, I am sure I hear Sıla sing the word "rahat" at the end of one line. Would this be short for "Rahat ol"? ... Yardımınız için teşekkür ederim.

Doldur -- Fill It Up

Doldur, bir tane daha doldur, -- Fill it up, fill it up once more.
Bak, yine kurtardık buraları. -- Look, we rescued those here again.

Anlat kardeşim, ben dinlerim gönlüm yettiğince, -- Tell it, my brother. I am listening with all my heart.
Masada kalır her şey, haydi gel şerefe. -- Everything stays at the table. Come on, come, cheers!
Kim kırmış seni, kim yormuş öfkesiyle, -- Who offended you? Who wearied you with his rage?
Bu masada kalır her şey, haydi gel şerefe. -- Everything stays at the table. Come on, come, cheers!

Doldur, bir tane daha doldur, -- Fill it up, fill it up once more.
Bak, yine kurtardık buraları. -- Look, we rescued those here again.

Kimi ateşten kor, kimi tutsak, kimi cesur, kimi korkak, -- Some are red-hot with zeal, some are prisoners, some are courageous, some are cowardly,
Susandan da, coşandan da, fazlamız var, rahat. -- We have more than those who remain silent, than those who get excited. Relax.

 Ama önce doldur, bir tane daha doldur, -- But first fill it up, fill it up once more.
Bak, yine kurtardık buraları. -- Look, we rescued those here again.

 Bırak onlar kapışsın, yarışsınlar gölgeleriyle -- Leave it. Let them scramble for it. Let them race with their shadows.
Bu masada kalır her şey, haydi gel şerefe. -- Everything stays at this table. Come on, come, cheers!
Kim kırmış seni, kim yormuş öfkesiyle, -- Who offended you? Who wearied you with his rage?
Bu masada kalır her şey, haydi gel şerefe. -- Everything stays at this table. Come on, come, cheers!

 Doldur, bir tane daha doldur, -- Fill it up, fill it up once more.
Bak, yine kurtardık buraları. -- Look, we rescued those here again.

Kimi ateşten kor, kimi tutsak, kimi cesur, kimi korkak, -- Some are red-hot with zeal, some are prisoners, some are courageous, some are cowardly,
Susandan da, coşandan da, fazlamız var, rahat. -- We have more than those who stay quiet, than those who get excited. Relax.

Ama önce doldur, bir tane daha doldur, -- But first fill it up, fill it up once more.
Bak, yine kurtardık buraları. -- Look, we rescued those here again.


1) It also seems to me that "those here" fits better than "these places" but not yet sure if it is the best equivalent for "buraları."{#emotions_dlg.unsure}

2) Your guesses about "susandan" and "coşandan" are totally correct. {#emotions_dlg.applause}

3) ..and as for "rahat".. {#emotions_dlg.think}

a) it either could be short for "rahat ol" 

b) or could be short for "rahatlıkla" which means surely. (as in "rahat yeneriz")

Both are equally possible.


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