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Earthquake in Pakistan...
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1.       freshman
704 posts
 08 Oct 2005 Sat 01:37 pm

Better soon for Pakistani people...

2.       SuiGeneris
3922 posts
 08 Oct 2005 Sat 01:40 pm

god bless them all...

3.       Bursali
400 posts
 08 Oct 2005 Sat 04:01 pm

yes, it was a big earth quake rated 7.6 which is a lot. i saw the pictures in www.hurriyetim.com.tr and it was like the one that happened in 1999.i dont remember how big it was in turkey .but im preety sure it was around 7 maybe 7.4. im not sure.

4.       Bursali
400 posts
 08 Oct 2005 Sat 04:01 pm

yes, it was a big earth quake rated 7.6 which is a lot. i saw the pictures in www.hurriyetim.com.tr and it was like the one that happened in 1999.i dont remember how big it was in turkey .but im preety sure it was around 7 maybe 7.4. im not sure. god bless them all.

5.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 08 Oct 2005 Sat 04:03 pm

oven 1000 died.. they can not guess how many ppl could die...
we had the same trouble in 1999
god bless them...

6.       freshman
704 posts
 08 Oct 2005 Sat 06:26 pm

die people number will increase upto night...

7.       bliss
900 posts
 08 Oct 2005 Sat 07:54 pm

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - A powerful 7.6-magnitude earthquake near the Pakistan-India border Saturday reduced villages to rubble, triggered landslides and flattened an apartment building, killing more than 1,700 people in both nations.
An earthquake rocks three countries in South and Central Asia. Hundreds are feared dead in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan
Pakistani officials say entire villages may be destroyed after a 7.6 earthquake in the region.
Damage was extensive in Kashmir, the disputed Himalayan territory divided between India and Pakistan. Officials in the Indian-controlled portion reported at least 190 people killed, including 20 soldiers who perished in a landslide. At least 800 people were injured and about 2,700 homes were destroyed or damaged across Jammu-Kashmir.
The USGS reported at least five aftershocks in Pakistan, with the strongest measuring magnitude 6.3 and located about 70 miles north of Islamabad.
It is national tragedy.
Let's pray for them.
God bless all.

8.       Dr.amin
11 posts
 09 Oct 2005 Sun 10:50 pm

thank you guys for your concerns i am in pakistan islamabad right now my chair keeps moving in all directions because of the after shocks please keep praying. i have helped out at the collapsed building (margala towers) even though most are dead there are still some alive within the 10 story building. today i saw a woman being pulled out alhamdurillah she was alive and well but just imagening what she has been through is just impossible no water no light surrounded by parts of dead people not knowing if there is going to be enough oxygen and wherther or not you will ever be recued...

9.       bliss
900 posts
 10 Oct 2005 Mon 02:00 am

Dedicated to the memory of all who lost their lives
in the Earthquake Disaster.....

Lift up your hearts in prayer
The need is now at hand
The cry of death and misery
Is heard throughout the land.

Earthquake has killed thousands
The numbers still do grow
This mighty act of nature
Hath dealt an awful blow.

Disease is running rampant
Their lives are filled with woe
The torment and the destruction
Is more than we could know.

Lift up your hearts in prayer
For many souls have died
The precious little children
And all who have survived.

Pray for aunts and uncles
The mothers filled with grief
Pray that God Allmighty
Will send them some relief.

Pray for the lost and hungry
The homeless and the weak
Will find the help they seek
Lift up your heart in prayer.

God bless all!

10.       geeta
0 posts
 10 Oct 2005 Mon 07:00 am

Prayers for those people from Kashmir, Pak occupied Kashmir and Pakistan......
God Bless them !!

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