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Turkish Class Forums / General/Off-topic


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1.       bliss
900 posts
 18 Oct 2005 Tue 06:17 am

Lately I am watching our wonderful site with little sadness.Please do not be surprized.I want to share my toughts with you and ask to have more love for each other.
It is sad to see all these unhealthy discussions here.
Who said that we can't have debates but we have to have respect toward each other.Having them help us to grow, understand each other better and learn more.We have many new members in our lovely class.I want to welcome them here and tell them that we glad to have them all.
I think our administartion is doing great job and we have to be more thoughtful and friendly to keep our lovely site to go on.
I want to tell my story here.My old friends know all.This is for our new mwmbers who I want to tell how grateful I am to all my friends here.And tell them what can friendship do.I want to tell about wonderful people in Turkish class.
I came to our lovely site in may.Since that time my life is changed.Maybe it was coincidence or maybe God had this plan for me.I do not know.I just know He wanted to show me how wonderful friendship could be.You can think if I did not have friends in my life.I have many wonderful friends.But the expirence here was totally different. I did not believe one can make friends without seeing them.I have to admit that I was totally wrong. I told this many times and want to say that again.I felt very homy here.
I had many obstacles in my life since I came here. I was turning for help, support and encouragment not to my "real" friends but my wonderful classmates, my friends who did not see me but loved me as I am.They loved my soul not my physical appearance. I never forget the days when I was suffering from physical pain. Sometimes it was unbearable but knowing that there are people who were waiting for me, praying for my welness gave me courage and will to fight and live.When I was reading their letters or even small sentence I knew I do not have right to give up.Until now I can feel their support and love which are great gifts to me. I want to say Thank You to all of them. You are always in my heart, always in my prayers. I love you dearly.
I want to ask everyone to be nice to each other , care for each other, love each other, and please do not fight.
Life is very short.Enjoy it.

Regards Bliss

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