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Temporary peace
1.       Attila
144 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 09:18 pm

hi folks here is another anathema song that I love,though I have a problem with it.
The song ends after 5-6 min.s and a speech part begins,though I cannot understand that part.
So any1 willing to help(with a good english of course ),please tell me and lemme send you that most beautiful song.
Hurry up! I am in dire need of those lyrics!

2.       Lyndie
968 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 09:53 pm

9. Temporary Peace

Deep inside the silence
Staring out upon the sea
The waves washing over
Half forgotten memories
Deep within the moment
Laughter floats upon the breeze
Rising and falling dying down within me

And I swear I never knew how it could be
And all this time all I had inside was what I couldn't see
I swear I never knew how it could be
All the waves washing over all that hurts inside of me

Beyond this beautiful horizon
Lies a dream for you and I
This tranquil scene is still unbroken by the rumors in the sky
But there's a storm closing in
Voices crying on the wind
This serenade is growing colder breaks my soul that tries to sing
And there's so many, many thoughts
When I try to go to sleep
But with you I start to feel a sort of temporary peace

There's a drift in and out

Anathema lyrics

Hope this covers it, I'm still downloading the song so I don't know if the 'speaking' part is here
I suppose its the usual depressing misery stuff!

3.       Attila
144 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 10:41 pm

Thank you for your care about the plot lyn...
Hope u will understand the speaking part (of corse you can ) and post it here...

4.       Lyndie
968 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 10:52 pm

OK - there's no speaking part on the song I downloaded Attila, you will have to send me your copy of the song, sooner you send it the quicker I can do it

5.       Attila
144 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 11:06 pm

ok then
Thanks for your effort Lyn !

6.       Lyndie
968 posts
 20 Oct 2005 Thu 11:10 pm

OK got it on another version
here it is.
Warning bad language contained....

1st voice
Not being able speak was just fears day and night ..
Building blocks and accidental stepping stones, irrelevant undercurrents, spiders with no control, crabs performing stunts, fish on the game, disgusting waves of doom, bombastic, bombastic invisible anti night…incredible fucking awful shit stirrers, death plays….

2nd voice

I know – I’m here
what about dogs, what about cats, what about what about chickens, what about dogs and what about chickens.

1st voice again
There you go, I can’t believe you just done this…….how many have you got left? ..whose coming with me? What is he saying. He’s going in, I knew this was going to happen, did anyone bring a torch? Stop and ask for directions. Better go after her, fucking hell she’s strong. Everything will be alright, I need to get up and get out of here. Stuff that would never happened, do you have to do that? ….


The accent is not Irish Attila, it is 'scouse' from Liverpool. The ....bits I cannot make out at all.

7.       Attila
144 posts
 21 Oct 2005 Fri 12:02 am

thank you lyn!

You are great

andf PUHAHAHAHA!!! they are saying such stupid things eh??? Icant believe that!

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