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1.       Chrisfer
70 posts
 28 Sep 2006 Thu 07:33 am

When he comes, we'll go.
O gelince, geleceğiz.

When he came, we went
O geldiğinda, geldik.

Or is it:
O geldiğinda zaman, geldik?

Are these actual structures in Turkish? Do they mean what I think they mean? Are there other ways of expressing "when" clauses in Turkish?

2.       qdemir
812 posts
 28 Sep 2006 Thu 08:53 am


When he comes, we'll go.
O gelince, geleceğiz.

When he came, we went
O geldiğinda, geldik.

Or is it:
O geldiğinda zaman, geldik?

Are these actual structures in Turkish? Do they mean what I think they mean? Are there other ways of expressing "when" clauses in Turkish?

Yes. They are actual structures in TR, and mean what you think they mean. You have made some small mistakes which are:

O gelince (no comma btw)gideceğiz.(we'll go)
O geldiğinde gittik, or
O geldiği zaman gittik.

3.       Chrisfer
70 posts
 28 Sep 2006 Thu 07:26 pm

Great, qdemir, çok sağ olun!

So, can the -ince suffix be associated with the past as well, or only with the future?

Likewise, is the -dik + personal suffix + de/zaman usually used to talk about the past?

Or does it all depend on tense of the other verb?

Also, does word order matter? Can I say "Gittik geldiği zaman"?

4.       qdemir
812 posts
 30 Sep 2006 Sat 01:05 am


So, can the -ince suffix be associated with the past as well, or only with the future?

Likewise, is the -dik + personal suffix + de/zaman usually used to talk about the past?

Or does it all depend on tense of the other verb?

Also, does word order matter? Can I say "Gittik geldiği zaman"?

There is no difference between -ince suffix and -dik + personal ending+ de / zaman. We can safely use one instead of the other, and also they can be used with the past, present, present continuous (when used instead of the future) and future tense. See the examples below:

İstanbul'a vardığımızda / varınca/ vardığımız zaman size telefon ederiz / edeceğiz. (the present tense is used instead of the future here.)

Yaz geldiğinde/ gelince Bodrum'a yazlığımıza gideriz.

Yağmur durunca yola çıkıyoruz (= çıkacağız).

Akşam olunca eve döndük.

When clause can also be formed with the interrogative particle -mi by using it between a verb in the "di'li geçmiş zaman" or "gelecek zaman" and an other sentence:

Sabah kalktım mı (= kalkınca, kalktığımda, kalktığım zaman) ilkin duş alırım.

Ali okuldan eve döndü mü (= dönünce, döndüğünde, döndüğü zaman)hemen ev ödevlerini yapar.

Bir yere gidecek miyim (= gideceğim zaman) erken kalkarım.

Note that in this type of when clause the second sentence is always in the simple present tense.

5.       aslan2
507 posts
 30 Sep 2006 Sat 10:14 am


There is no difference between -ince suffix and -dik + personal ending+ de / zaman. We can safely use one instead of the other, and also they can be used with the past, present, present continuous (when used instead of the future) and future tense. See the examples below:

I think there is a difference. -ince doesn't have any person but -dik is almost used with personal possessive suffixes. So you may need to use personal pronouns in case of -ince.
Sen gelince giderim.
Biz gelince gidersiniz.
Geldiğinde ben giderim.
Geldiğimizde gidersiniz.


Bir yere gidecek miyim (= gideceğim zaman) erken kalkarım.

Note that in this type of when clause the second sentence is always in the simple present tense.

I don't think I have ever used this. OK, you may be right but is it really widely used?

Then you can also add "ise" to the list.
When I say:
Bir yere gidecek isem erken kalkarım.

More or less, it is the same meaning as it seems to me.

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