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Bir Çiçek Aldım I Bought a Flower

Dün gece yine yalnızdim
Sokağa çıktım
Ve kendime bir çiçek aldım
Kendim almamış gibi yürüdüm sokaklarda
Ve yalnız değilmişim gibi düşündüm
Ama her gece gibi
Dün gece de yalnızdim
Ve kendime bir çiçek aldım
Bir saat geri alınmış saatler
Ben geri almadım
Ve bir saat daha yalnız kalmadım
Bir masaya oturdum
İki çay ısmarladım
Ben içtim
sen soğuttun
sana söyleyeceğim her şeyi yuttum
çok dert etmedim
çünkü yoktun
dün gece yine yalnızdım
rahat ağladim
yokluğundan gizlemedim gözyaşlarimi
ve lambaları hiç karartmadım
dün gece
her gece gibi yalnızdım
sokağa çıktım
ve kendime bir çiçek aldım
sen sandım

I was alone again last night
I went out to the street
And bought a flower for myself
I walked the streets as if it was not from myself
And I thought as if I was not alone
But, like all the other nights
I was alone last night
And I bought a flower for myself
Clocks were adjusted, put one hour back
I didn't touch mine
Not to be alone for one more hour
I sat down,
Ordered two glasses of tea
I drank mine
Yours got cold
I swallowed everything I wanted to tell you
It was ok
Because you were not there
I was alone again last night
I cried easily
I didn't hide my tears from yur absence
And I didn't turn off the lights
Last night
I was alone, like all other nights
I went out to the street
And bought a flower for myself
Thinking that it was you,
I didn't smell it

Uğur Arslan
More poems of Uğur Arslan

Translated by Fatih Akgül

This poem has been read 12631 times.

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