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Turkish Grammar-6: Verbs-4

The suffix of the simple past tense is "-di" in Turkish. Like you can guess, it may become "-dı,du,dü,tı,ti,tu,tü" according to the vowel harmonies and the hardening of the consonant. In fact I don´t need to talk about this but I wanted to remind.


Like we were adding the tense suffix to the root of the verb at the previous tenses, we are adding it to the same place here too.


At this tense, we´re using the second type of personal suffixes. Let´s see them:









Let´s also see them with the simple past suffix "-di" on a chart:


-dim I ...ed
-din you ...ed
-di he/she/it ...ed
-dik we ...ed
-diniz you ...ed
-diler they ..ed


-dim mi? Did I ...?
-din mi? Did you ..?
-di mi? Did he/she/it ...?
-dik mi? Did we ...?
-diniz mi? Did you ...?
-diler mi? Did they ...?


Let´s choose a few verbs randomly : hatırlamak (to remember), unutmak (to forget)


By the way, let´s remember finding the root of the verb: we are removing the infinitive suffix "-mek/-mak". If we wanna make the verb negative, we add the negation suffix "-me/-ma" to the root.


hatırlamak-->hatırla- ---> hatırla+ma+mak--->hatırlamamak (not to remember)--->hatırlamamak--->hatırlama-


unutmak ----> unut- --> unut+ma+mak ----->unutmamak (not to forget)--->unutmamak-->unutma-


hatırladım I remembered hatırlamadım I didn´t remember unuttum I forgot unutmadım I didn´t forget
hatırladın you remembered hatırlamadın you didn´t remember unuttun you forgot unutmadın you didn´t forget
hatırladı he remembered hatırlamadı he didn´t rmember unuttu he forgot unutmadı he didn´t forget
hatırladık we remembered hatırlamadık we didn´t remember unuttuk we forgot unutmadık we didn´t forget
hatırladınız you remembered hatırlamadınız you didn´t remember unuttunuz you forgot unutmadınız you didn´t forget
hatırladılar they remembered hatırlamadılar they didn´t remember unuttular they forgot unutmadılar they didn´t forget


Hatırladın mı? (Did you remember?)

Unuttuk mu? (Did we forget?)

Hatırlamadılar mı? (Didn´t they remember?)

Unutmadın mı? (Didn´t you forget?)



Reminding the hardening of the consonant: "t" is hard consonant, "d" is soft consonant. "d" must harden and become "t".

Reminding the vowel harmonies : unut+di --> "u" is round, narrow and hard vowel. "i" is straight and soft vowel. We have four alternatives: i, ı, u, ü. So as to make the harmony continue, firstly "i" must become a hard vowel (major vowel harmony) (namely here, ı or u). hen it must become a round vowel (only one alternative is "u").


hâlâ (still, yet)

olay (the event)


olay+ı(acc.)--->olayı (the event) (accusative)

unut+ma+dı+n mı? ---> unutmadın mı?


Sen o olayı hâlâ unutmadın mı? (Haven´t you forgetten that event yet?)


nere (which place, where?)

öğrenmek (to learn)


Türkçe+i(acc.)----->Türkçeyi (Turkish (accusative))

nere+den(abl.)------>nereden (from where?)

öğren+di+n--------->öğrendin (you learnt)


Türkçeyi nereden öğrendin? (Where did you learn Turkish? (direct: From where did you learn Turkish?))


dört (four)

yıl=sene (the year)

İrlanda (Ireland)

yaşamak (1to live, 2to dwell, to live)

sonra (1after (-den sonra), 2then, later)

geri dönmek (to return, to come back)


İrlanda+da(locative)------->İrlanda´da (in Ireland)

yaşa+dı+- --------------->yaşadı (he lived)

Türkiye+e(dative)--------->Türkiye´ye (to Turkey)

geri dön+di+- ------------>geri döndü (he returned)


Dört yıl İrlanda´da yaşadı ve sonra Türkiye´ye geri döndü. (He lived in Ireland for four years and then returned Turkey)


dün (yesterday)

haberler (the news)

izlemek (to watch)


haberler+i(accusative)---->haberleri (the news)

izle+me+di+n mi? --------->izlemedin mi? (didn´t you watch?)

izle+me+di+m------------->izlemedim (i didn´t watch)


-Dün haberleri izlemedin mi? (Didn´t you watch the news yesterday?)

-Hayır, izlemedim. (No, I didn´t watch.)


Gürcistan (Georgia)

hiç (1never, 2ever)

gitmek (to go)


Gürcistan+e(dative)------------->Gürcistan´a (to Georgia)

git+di+n mi?--------------------->gittin mi? (did you go?)


Gürcistan´a hiç gittin mi? (Have you ever been to Georgia (direct: Have you ever gone to Georgia?))


öğle (the noon)

-den sonra (after the ...)

hiçbir (any, no)

şey (thing)

yapmak (to do)

ikindi/ikindin (the midafternoon)

-e kadar (until, till)

uyumak (to sleep)


öğle+den sonra------------->öğleden sonra (afternoon)

yap+ma+dı+k--------------->yapmadık (we didn´t do)

ikindi+e kadar--------------->ikindiye kadar (till midafternoon)

/ikindin+e kadar------------->ikindine kadar (this is preferred much more than the other one, but both of these are correct)

uyu+di+k------------------->uyuduk (we slept)


Öğleden sonra hiçbir şey yapmadık, ikindine kadar uyuduk. (We did nothing in the afternoon, we slept till midafternoon)

You can also say "bir şey yapmadık". It makes no difference.


fark etmez=it makes no difference


ne (what)

demek (to say)

hiç (1never, 2ever)

anlamak (to understand)


de+di+n------------->dedin (you said)

anla+ma+dı+m------->anlamadım (i didn´t understand)


Ne dedin, hiç anlamadım. (What did you say, I have never understood.)


ders (the lesson)

çalışmak (1to work, 2to study (lesson)(yourself, not at school), 3to try to 4...5...)

istemek (to want)

bahçe (the garden)

oyun (the game)

oynamak (to play)


iste+me+di+ler-------->istemediler (they didn´t want)

bahçe+de------------>bahçede (in the garden)

oyna+dı+lar---------->oynadılar (they played)


Ders çalışmak istemediler, bahçede oyun oynadılar. (They didn´t want to study lesson, they played game in the garden)


bir şey (something (direct: a thing))

söylemek (to say)

ama (but)

sonra (then, later)

(-den) vazgeçmek (to abandon)


iste+di+- -------------->istedi (he wanted)

vazgeç+di- ------------>vazgeçti (he abandoned)


Bir şey söylemek istedi ama sonra vazgeçti. (He wanted to say something but abandoned.)

datunurhaqq and kashf-ul-eman liked this lesson

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