This is quite easy topic. Therefore there is no need to make long explanations.
var (there is / there are) yok (1there isn´t / there aren´t, 2absent)
sınıf (the classroom, the class) yirmi bir (twenty one) öğrenci (the student)
sınıf+da(locative)--->sınıfta (in the class) yirmi bir öğrenci var (there are twenty one students)
Sınıfta yirmi bir öğrenci var. (There are twenty one students in the class.)
gerek (the need, the necessity) gerek yok (there is no need (direct: there isn´t need))
diye (called) bir (1...2a/an,3.....) program (1the program, 2software) / yazılım (the software)
... diye = called ...
Ccleaner diye bir program var; çok iyi. (There is a software called Ccleaner, it´s so good.)
Nurgül (a Turkish femine name) arkadaş (the friend) söylemek (to say)
Nurgül diye bir arkadaş (a friend called Nurgül) söyle+di+- -----> söyledi (he told/said)
-Bunu kim söyledi? (Who told this?) -Nurgül diye bir arkadaş var, o söyledi. (There is a friend called Nurgül, she told.)
kaç/ kaç tane (how many) harf (the letter)
Türkçe+de(locative)----------->Türkçede (in Turkish) kaç (tane) harf (how many letters)
Türkçede kaç harf var? (How many letters are there in Turkish?)
aile (the family) çocuk (the child)
aile+niz+de----------->ailenizde (in your family) kaç (tane) çocuk (how many children)
Ailenizde kaç çocuk var? (How many children are there in your family?)
Londra (London) daha, hâlâ (still (adverb)) iki (two) saat (1hour,2...3...)
Londra+a(dative)----->Londra´ya (to London)
Londra´ya daha iki saat var. (Two hours to arrive in London (direct: There are still two hours to London))
bugün (today) menü (the menu) güzel (nice, beautiful) yemek (1...2the meal)
menü+de (locative)------>menüde (in the menu)
Bugün menüde güzel yemek var mı? (Is there any nice meal in menu today? (direct: Is there nice meal.....)
gömlek (the shirt) leke (the stain)
gömlek+m(poss.)+de(locative)--------->gömleğimde (on my shirt)
Gömleğimde leke var mı? (Is there any stain on my shirt? (direct: Is there stain...)
sizin (your (2nd plural)) grup (1the group,2 the band) dört (four) kişi (the person) ihtiyaç, gerek (the necessity)
sizin grup+niz+den(ablative)------->sizin grubunuzdan / sizin gruptan (from your group) dört kişi+e(dative)---------------->dört kişiye (to four people)
Sizin gruptan dört kişiye ihtiyaç var. (Four people from your group are required/needed (direct: There is need to four people from your group))
gerekmek (to be required, to be needed) gerek+yor----->gerekiyor (it is being needed)
Sizin gruptan dört kişi gerekiyor. (Four people from your group are needed)
-den başka (except ...) hiç kimse (nobody)
biz+den başka------>bizden başka (except us)
Bizden başka (hiç) kimse yok (There is nobody except us.)
liste (the list) bizim (our) ad=isim (1the name, 2the noun)
liste+de(loc.)-------->listede (on the list) isim+ler+miz, ad+lar+mız--->isimlerimiz=adlarımız (our names)
Listede bizim isimlerimiz yok. (Our names are absent on the list.)
bu liste+de(loc.)----->bu listede (on this list) yok+iz--------------->yokuz (we are absent)
Biz bu listede yokuz. (We are absent on this list.)
yatak (the bed) alt (the downside, the below) ne (what)
alt+i(poss.)+da(locative)------->altında (under the ...) yatak+ın alt+ı+da-------------->yatağın altında (under the bed)
Yatağın altında ne var? (What is there under the bed?)
yan (the beside) kim (who)
yan+n(poss.)+de (loc.)------->yanında (beside you)
Yanında kim var? (Who is there beside you?)
bura (this place, here) ben (I)
bura+da(locative)------->burada (here, in this place) var+ım------------------>varım (i´m existed)
Burada ben varım (I am existed here (direct: There is me here))
var idi--->vardı (there was/were) yok idi--->yoktu (there wasn´t/weren´t),
dün (yesterday) sınav (the exam)
Dün sınav yoktu (There was no exam yesterday)
sabah (the morning) yağmur (the rain)
Sabah yağmur vardı. (There was rain in the morning.)
onlar (they) bugün (today) okul (the school)
okul+da(locative)------------>okulda (at the school) yok+di+ler / yok+ler+di------->yoktular/yoklardı (there were absent)
Onlar bugün okulda değillerdi (They weren´t at the school today) Onlar bugün okulda yoktu (They were absent at the school today.) /Bugün okulda yoklardı /Bugün okulda yoktular
cami (the mosque) yan (the beside) eski (old) duvar (the wall) geçen ay (last month) çökmek, yıkılmak (to collapse (reflexive))
cami+in yan+ı+da-------->caminin yanında (beside the mosque) çök+di------------------>çöktü (it collapsed)
Caminin yanında eski bir duvar vardı, geçen ay çöktü (There was an old wall beside the mosque, it collapsed last month)
ayak (the foot) yara (the injure) ama, fakat (but) geçmek (1to pass, 2....3....4...5....6to get better, 7...)
ayak+m(poss.)+da (locative)-------->ayağımda (on my foot)
Ayağımda yara vardı ama geçti (There was an injure on my foot but it got better)
matematik (the maths) -den sonra (after the ...) felsefe (the philosophy) iptal (1cancelled, 2the cancellation) iptal etmek (to cancel) öğretmen (the teacher) hoca (someone who teachs something, 1the teacher, 2the imam, 3the coach)
We (as students) use "hoca" more than "öğretmen" after the primary school. Why? That is a public habit. :) matematik+den sonra-------->matematikten sonra (after the maths) yok mu idi-------->yok muydu? var mı idi--------->var mıydı?
-Matematikten sonra Felsefe yok muydu? (Wasn´t there Philosophy after the Maths?) -Hoca "ders iptal" dedi. (The teacher said "the lesson is cancelled".)
ders+i(accusative)----------->dersi iptal et+di------------------->iptal etti
Hoca dersi iptal etti (The teacher cancelled the lesson)
var ise-------->varsa (if there is) yok ise-------->yoksa (1if there isn´t, 2otherwise (=yoksa, değilse))
ucuz (cheap) satmak (1to sell, 2...3..4..) bir yer (somewhere, a place) ora (that place, there) almak (1....2to buy,3....)
o kitap+ı(accusative)-------------------->o kitabı (that book (accusative)) ucuza satmak (to sell for a low cost, to sell cheaply) ora+dan(ablative)----------------------->oradan (from there)
O kitabı ucuza satan bir yer varsa oradan alalım. (Let´s buy that book if there is somewhere that sells (it) for a low cost)
rapor (the report) hata (the mistake, the error, the fault) (pronunciation: hataa) hatalı, yanlış (mistaken, wrong, false) kısım, bölüm (1part, 2episode) lütfen (please) uyarmak (to warn)
raporda hatalı bir kısım var (there is a wrong part in the report) biz+i(accusative) uyar+ın bizi lütfen uyarın (warn, please) (imperative for 2nd plural)
Raporda hatalı bir kısım varsa bizi lütfen uyarın (Please warn us if there is a wrong part in the report)
öbür, öteki, diğer (other) fakülte (the faculty) kütüphane (the library)
bizim fakülte+in(gentivie)------------------>bizim fakültenin (of our faculty) kütüphane+i(poss.)+de(locative)---------->kütüphanesinde (in its library) öteki fakülte+ler(plural)+in(genitive)------------->öteki fakültelerin (of other faculties) kütüphane+ler(plural)+i(poss.)+den(abl.)-->kütüphanelerinden (from their libraries) al+r+iz------------------------------------->alırız (we take)
bizim fakültenin kütüphanesinde yok (it is absent in the library of our faculty) öteki fakültelerin kütüphanelerinden alırız (we take from the libraries of other faculties)
Bizim fakültenin kütüphanesinde yoksa öteki fakültelerin kütüphanelerinden alırız. (We take from the libraries of other faculties if it is absent in the library of our faculty)
program, yazılım (the software) senin (your) bilgisayar (the computer) benim (my) yüklemek (1to load, to upload, 2...3..)
senin bilgisayar+de (locative) bu program senin bilgisayarda var (this software is existed in your computer) benim bilgisayar+e(dative) yükle+r+iz benim bilgisayara yükleriz (we load into my computer)
Bu program senin bilgisayarda varsa benim bilgisayara yükleriz. (If this software is existed in your computer, we load into my computer) |
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