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Turkish Grammar-6: Verbs-7.2

The tasks of "-miş" are exactly same.


VERB yor imiş im -yormuşum
VERB yor imiş sin -yormuşsun
VERB yor imiş   -yormuş
VERB yor imiş iz -yormuşuz
VERB yor imiş siniz -yormuşsunuz












VERB yor mu imiş im -yor muymuşum?
VERB yor mu imiş sin -yor muymuşsun?
VERB yor mu imiş   -yor muymuş?
VERB yor mu imiş iz -yor muymuşuz?
VERB yor mu imiş siniz -yor muymuşsunuz?










-yor muymuşlar?

-yorlar mıymış?*


*This type is preferred much more. There is no meaning difference.


ora (that place, there)

şimdi, şu anda (now, at the moment)

kar (the snow)

yağmak (to fall from the sky (meteorologically))


ora+da(locative)----->orada (in that place, there)

yağ+yor imiş--------->yağıyormuş


Orada şu anda kar yağıyormuş. (It has been snowing there at the moment) (you have learnt this from someone or somewhere)


boş (empty)

zaman, vakit (time)

boş zaman (spare time, leisure, free time)

sık sık (often)

balık (the fish)

tutmak (1to hold, 2to be suitable, to be agreed, 3to be preferred, to be liked, 4to like, 5...6..)

balık tutmak (to fish)

gitmek (to go)


zaman+lar+i(poss.)+da(locative)------->zamanlarında (in his times)

balık+a(dative)------------------------>balığa (to the fish)

git+yor imiş---------------------------->gidiyormuş


Boş zamanlarında sık sık balığa gidiyormuş (He is often going fishing in his free times (direct: ...going to the fish...)) (for example: that man told this or someone else told, and you are telling this to another someone else)


Rusça (Russian language)

çok iyi (very well)

konuşmak (1to speak, 2to talk)

kim (who)

söylemek (to tell, to say)



konuş+yor imiş+sin------->konuşuyor imişsin-->konuşuyormuşsun

söyle+di------------------------------------->söyledi (he said)


A: Rusçayı çok iyi konuşuyormuşsun. (You are speaking Russian very well) (B understands you heard this from someone)

B: Kim söyledi? (Who said?)


Imagine, B is talking to someone (C) in Russian fluently. A is listening to them and noticing B speaks Russian very well. After C went, A says to B:

Rusçayı çok iyi konuşuyormuşsun. (You are speaking Russian very well) (He used "-miş" so as to express he noticed)


o (he, she, it (as personal suffixes))

söylemek (to say, to tell)

yavaş (slow)

konuşmak (1to talk, 2to speak)

anlamak (to understand)


o+e(dative)----------------------------------->ona (to him,her,it)

anla+ma+yor+im------------------------------->anlamıyorum (i don´t  understand (direct: i´m not understanding))

anla+ma+yor imiş---->anlamıyor imiş------------>anlamıyormuş


A-->B: Ona söyle, yavaş konuşsun. Hiç anlamıyorum. (Say him, let him speak slowly. I never understand)

B-->C: Yavaş konuş. Anlamıyormuş. (Speak slowly. He doesn´t understand.) ("-miş" was used, because B wants to express he heard this from A)


aramak (1to look for, 2to call (by phone))

gelmek (to come)

yol (the way, the road)


o+i(accusative)----------------------------------->onu (him, her, it)

ara+dı+n mı-------------------------------------->aradın mı? (did you call?)

gel+yor mu+imiş---------------------------------->geliyor muymuş?

yol+da imiş--------------------------------------->yoldaymış


A: Onu aradın mı? (Did you call her?)

B: Evet. (Yes.)

A: Geliyor muymuş? (Is she coming?)

B: Evet. Yoldaymış. (Yes. She is on the road.)


A asks using "-miş" because he knows B too will learn from her, if it is coming. B says she is on the way using "-miş" because he learnt later eventually and expresses like that.


okul (the school)

kaç (how many)

gün (the day)

niye, neden (why)

gelmek (to come)

hasta (1ill, sick, 2the patient)

ben (I)

dün (yesterday)

anlatmak (to tell)

yalnızca, sadece (only, just)

istemek (to want)


okul+e(dative)------------------------>okula (to the school)

kaç gün+dir(since, for)---------------->kaç gündür (for (since) (how) many days)

gel+me+yor--------------------------->gelmiyor (he isn´t coming)

hasta mı imiş-------------------------->hasta mıymış

ben+e(dative)------------------------->bana (to me)

anlat+di------------------------------->anlattı (he told)

... istemek (to want ...)

gelmek istemek (to want to come)

iste+me+yor imiş----------------------->istemiyormuş


A: Okula kaç gündür niye gelmiyor? Hasta mıymış? (Why hasn´t he been coming to the school for many days? Is he ill?) (direct: why isn´t he coming ...)

B: Hayır. Bana dün anlattı. Yalnızca gelmek istemiyormuş. (No. He told me yesterday. He just doesn´t want to come) (direct: he isn´t wanting.) (B says using "-miş" because he learnt he doesn´t want to come from his(C´s) own.)

A: Tamam. (Okay.)


biz (we)

bizim (our)

deniz (the sea)

daha şimdi (just now)

yorulmak (to get tired)


bizim ile-------->bizim+le----------------------->bizimle (with us)

gel+me+yor+lar mı+imiş------------------------->gelmiyorlar mıymış?

gel+me+yor+lar imiş---------------------------->gelmiyorlarmış

deniz+den(ablative)---------------------------->denizden (from the sea)




A: Bizimle gelmiyorlar mıymış? Niye gelmiyorlarmış? (Aren´t they coming with us? Why aren´t they coming?)

B: Denizden daha şimdi gelmişler. Yorulmuşlar. (They have just come from the sea. They have got tired)


A asked using "-miş" because he knew B too would learn the reason from them. In other words, A knew B too would be have learnt from later. B used "-miş" because he already learnt from someone else except himself.


galiba (presumably)

Almanca (German language)

bilmek (to know)

öyle (so, like this)

demek (to say)

yardım (the help)

etmek (to make)

yardım etmek (to help (direct: to make help))


bil+yor imiş+sin----------->biliyor imişsin--------->biliyormuşsun

de+di+ler--------------------------------------->dediler (they said)

biz+e(dative)----------------------------------->bize (to us)

et+r mi+sin------------------------------------->eder misin? (do you make?)


Galiba Almanca biliyormuşsun. Öyle dediler. Bize yardım eder misin? (Presumably you can speak German. They said like this. Would you like to help us? (direct: Presumably you know German. ... Do you help us?)) (you used "-miş" so as to emphasize you learnt this from someone)


para (the money)

harcamak (to waste)

yalan (the lie)

yalan söylemek (to tell lie)


harca+yor imiş+im---------->harcıyor imişim------->harcıyormuşum

söyle+yor---------------------------------------->söylüyor (he is saying)


Çok para harcıyormuşum. Yalan söylüyor. (I have been wasting too much money. He tells a lie. (direct: I am wasting too much money. He is saying lie))


You said with "-miş" because you were trying that he rumoured this.


üç (three)

yıl, sene (the year)

Letonya (Latvia)

yaşamak (1to live, 2to dwell, 3to be alive, 4to get a big chance, 5...6...)

doğru (1true, correct, 2straight, 3..4...)


üç yıl+dır(since)-------------------------------->üç yıldır (for 3 years (since 3 years))

Letonya+da(locative)--------------------------->Letonya´da (Latvia)

yaşa+yor imiş+sin------------------------------->yaşıyormuşsun

doğru mu? (is it true?)


Üç yıldır Letonya´da yaşıyormuşsun, doğru mu? (You have been living in Latvia for three years, is it true?) (direct: You are living in Latvia since three years)


He understands you had learnt this from someone or somewhere because you used "-miş".


fark etmek (to notice, to realise, to observe)

ki (that)

kendi (one´s own)

bir hayli, bayağı, oldukça (quite, a lot)

geliştirmek (to improve (transitive), to develope (transitive))



kend+m(poss.)+i(accusative)--------------------->kendimi (myself (acc.))



Fark ettim ki kendimi bayağı geliştirmişim. (I noticed (that) I have developed myself a lot)


görmek (to see)

beş (five)

yıl, sene (the year)

dünya (the world)

dünya kadar (many much, a lot of (direct: as much as the world)) (we use this to exaggerate the plenty)

şey (thing)

değişmek (to change (intransitive), to alter (intransitive))


gör+di+k----------------------------------------->gördük (we saw)

beş yıl+da--------------------------------------->beş yılda (in five years)

dünya kadar şey (pek çok şey, birçok şey) (many things)

değiş+yor imiş------------------------------------>değişiyormuş


Gördük ki beş yılda dünya kadar şey değişiyormuş. (We understood (that) many things change. (direct: we saw that many things are changing))


proje (the project)

... boyunca (during ...)

hafta (the week)

iki (two)

gün (the day)

uygulama (the implementation, the application)

yapmak (to do)


proje boyunca (during the project)

hafta+da(loc.)------------------------------->haftada (in a week)

haftada iki gün (two days (in) a week)

uygulama yapmak (to do application)



Proje boyunca haftada iki gün uygulama yapıyormuşuz. (We are doing application two days a day during the project) (you have learnt this knowledge from someone and you are telling at the moment and you are using "-miş" so as to express you have learnt this from someone)


dondurma (the ice cream)

istemek (to want)

sormak (to ask)

beklemek (to wait)

limon (the lemon)


iste+yor+im----------------------------->istiyorum (i want (direct: i´m wanting))

o+e(dative)----------------------------->ona (to him, her, it)

ona da (also to him, her, it / to him, her, it too)

sen de (also you, you too)

sor+ecek+im----------------------------->soracağım (i will ask)

iste+yor imiş----------------------------->istiyormuş

iki+miz----------------------------------->ikimiz (two of us)

limon+li dondurma------------------------>limonlu dondurma (the ice cream with lemon)

iste+yor+iz------------------------------->istiyoruz (we want)


A-->B: Ben dondurma istiyorum. Ona da soracağım, bekle. (I want an ice cream. I´m also going to ask him, wait.)

A-->C: Sen de dondurma istiyor musun? (Do you want an ice cream, too?)

C-->A: Evet. (Yes.)

A-->B: İstiyormuş. (He wants.) İkimiz de limonlu dondurma istiyoruz. (Both of us want ice cream with lemon)

Amanigiadwi, Moha-ios, GulBahar and zizi76 liked this lesson

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