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the causative mood - 2

Most of (supposing %80-85) of the verbs are made causative by "-dir". I remember only a few verbs which are made causative by "-t" or "-ir". They are these:


The ones with "-t" are these: 


akmak (to flow)


akıtmak (to let sth. flow)


Torbadaki suyu akıt, torbayı buzdolabına ondan sonra koy. (Let the water in the sack flow, put the sack into the fridge later.)


korkmak (to fear, to be afraid)


korkutmak (to frighten)


Gece esen poyraz beni hep korkutur. (The northeast wind which blows at night always frightens me.)


ürkmek (to fear (for a shorter and momentary fears))


ürkütmek (to frighten)


Gece esen poyraz beni hep ürkütür.


bakmak (to look)


bakıtmak (to get/make sth. look)



şantiye (the work site)

Arabanın sol farları yanmıyor. Arabayı yarın şantiyeye götürüp farlara bakıtmam/baktırmam gerek. (The left headlights of the car aren´t lightening. I need to take the car to the work site and get the headlights look at.)


The ones with "-ir" are these:


pişmek (to cook (intransitive))


pişirmek (to cook (transitive))


Çorba hâlâ pişiyor. (The soup is still cooking.)

Akşama çorba pişireceğim. (I will cook soup for evening.)


But we usually prefer to use "yapmak" instead of "pişirmek" much more.

Akşama çorba yapacağım ((This is more preferred))


taşmak (to overflow (intransitive))


taşırmak (to overflow (transitive))


Ben kahveyi taşırınca halı da kirlendi. (The carpet got dirty, too, when I overflowed the coffee.)


artmak (to increase (intransitive))


artırmak (to increase (transitive))


Şirket, gelirlerini son birkaç yılda bayağı artırdı. (The company increased its incomes in recent a few years very much.)


uçmak (to fly)


uçurmak (to make sth. fly)


Uçurtma uçursak mı? (Shall we fly a kite?)


bitmek (to finish (intransitive), to end)


bitirmek (to finish (transitive), to complete)


İşlerimi bitirdiğimde seni tekrar arayacağım. (I will call you again when I finish my works.)


geçmek (1to pass, 2to outstrip, 3..4...5..6...)


geçirmek (1to pass (transitive), 2to experience, to undergo, 3to see smb. to the door, 4...5..)


Zaman geçirmek için sürekli kitap okuyorum. (I´m reading book continuously so as to pass the time.)

ameliyat (the surgical operation)

Ağabeyim yirmi üç yaşında ve bugüne kadar iki ameliyat geçirdi. (My brother is twenty three years old and he has undergone two operations until today.)


az (little, few)


azalmak (to decrease (intransitive))


azaltmak (to decrease (transitive), to reduce)


Hızını azaltmazsan kaza yapacağız. (We will have an accident if you don´t decrease your speed.)


çok (1much, 2very, 3too)


çoğalmak (to increase (intransitive))


çoğaltmak (1to increase (transitive), 2to multiply (transitive), 3to copy)


Bu işlerin masraflarımızı çoğaltacağını düşünüyorum. (I think these businesses will increase our expenses.)


düz (1flat, 2straight)


düzelmek (1to straighten (intransitive), 2to be put in order, 3to get better)


düzeltmek (1to smooth, 2to straighten (transitive), 3to correct, 4to put in order, 5to tidy up)


Sen hata yaparsan ben düzeltirim, rahat ol. (I correct if you make mistake, be still.)


Hatırladıklarım bunlar. (The ones which I remember are these.)

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