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reciprocalness and togetherness

Of course, it doesn´t happen at all verbs. But I´m going to write the most used ones as far as I remember at that moment.


This mood tends to be used with "ile (with)"


yazmak (to write)


yazışmak (to chat (to write reciprocally))


Dün akşam arkadaşımla yazıştım. (I chatted to my friend in the evening yesterday.)


görmek (to see)


görüşmek (to meet (to see each other))


-Müdürle görüşmek istiyorum. Odasında mı? (I want to see the director. Is he in his room?)

-Hayır, değil. (No, he isn´t.)


sevmek (to love, to like)


sevişmek (to have a sex)


Seninle sevişmek istiyorum. (I want to have a sex with you.)


bulmak (to find)


buluşmak (to meet, to come together (direct: to find each other))


-Uzun zamandır görüşmüyorduk. Yarın görüşeceğiz. (We hadn´t been seeing each other of us for a long time. We will meet tomorrow.) 

-Nerede buluşacaksınız? (Where will you come together?)

-Sanırım sahilde. (I think, on the beach.)


anlamak (to understand)


anlaşmak (1to understand each other, 2to come to an agreement, 3to get along)


Orada hiç İngilizce konuşmadık. Birbirimizle hep Türkçe anlaştık. (We never spoke English there. We understood each other in Turkish every time.)

Ronaldinho´nun Beşiktaş´la anlaşacağı söyleniyor. (People say that Ronaldinho will come to an agreement with Beşiktaş.)

Ablasıyla hiç anlaşamıyor. (He can never get along with his older sister.)


karmak (1to mix, to blend, 2to shuffle (for play cards or papers))


karışmak (1to mix, 2to interfere, 3to become complicated)


Yağ ve su karışmaz. (The oil and water don´t mix.)

Ben karışamam. Sorununuzu kendiniz halletmelisiniz. (I can´t interfere. You ought to figure your problem out yourself.)


"karıştırmak" (causative of "karışmak") is used much more than "karmak". "karmak" is used almost only for the play cards.


şaka (the joke)


şakalaşmak (to make fun of each other)


Biz yalnızca şakalaşıyorduk; kavga etmiyorduk. (We were just making fun of each other, not fighting.)


gülmek (to laugh)


gülüşmek (to laugh together)


Ben bunu söyleyince gülüştüler. (They laughed together when I said this.)


bağırmak (to shout)


bağrışmak (to shout at each other/together)


Tamam! Yeter! Bağrışmayın! (Okay! Enough! Don´t shout at each other!)


dövmek (to beat (by fighting))


dövüşmek (to fight (to beat each other))


Her gün birisiyle dövüşürdü, eve burnu kanayarak gelirdi. (He used to fight with anyone everyday, used to come home his nose bleeding.)


tartmak (to weigh (to measure weigh of something))


tartışmak (1to discuss, 2to argue)


Bugün hocayla çok ilginç bir konu tartıştık. (We discussed an interesting topic with the teacher today.)


boğmak (to suffocate (transitive))


boğuşmak (1to fight [to try to suffocate each other], 2to struggle, to grapple, to wrestle (with a bad situation))


İki ay boyunca hastalıkla boğuştum, o yüzden bir yere gidemedim. (I grappled with the illness during two montsh, and therefore I couldn´t go anywhere.)


karşı (1opposite, 2against)


karşılamak (1to welcome, 2to be equal, 2to be sufficient)


karşılaşmak (to come across sb/sth [but in Turkish: with sb/th])


Caddede yürüyordum. Öğretmenimle karşılaştım. (I was walking at the street. I came across my teacher.)


bakmak (to look)


bakışmak (to look at each other)


Çok kızgındı. Bayağı bağırdı. Bir şey diyemedik. Bir süre bakıştık. O sustuktan sonra yavaş yavaş konuşmaya başladık. (He was too angry. He shouted very much. We couldn´t say anything. We looked at each other of us awhile. We started to talk slowly after he has been quiet.)


itmek (to push)


itişmek (to push one another)


İnsanlar ekmekleri daha çabuk alabilmek için sürekli itişiyorlardı. (People were pushing one another so as to be able to take the breads more quick.)


ötmek (to sing (for birds))


ötüşmek (to sing reciprocally/together)


Yedide uyandım. Dışarı çıktım. Kuşlar ötüşüyordu. Başka ses yoktu. (I woke up at seven. I went out. The birds were singing reciprocally. There was no voice else.)


uçmak (to fly)


uçuşmak (to flit (to fly reciprocally/together))


Çürük meyvelerin üzerinde sinekler uçuşuyordu. (The flies were flitting over the rotten fruits.)


kaçmak (1to run away, 2to miss, to be missed)


kaçışmak (to run away together (to run away in various directions))


benzemek (to be similiar, to resemble)


benzeşmek (to be similiar to each other, to resemble each other)


But we usually prefer to use "birbirine benzemek (direct and correct:  to be similiar to each other)"



savaş (the battle, the war)


savaşmak (to battle, to make war)


barış (the peace)


barışmak (to make peace with someone / one another)


güreş (the wrestling)


güreşmek (to wrestle)


uğraşmak (to struggle/fight)

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