You seem to love graphic details, here you go you will be well served.
I was sitting on the terasse of a restaurant with another woman and this man.
Laughing having fun and enjoying the day.
I got up to go to the WC which was onthe second floor of the restaurant.
I did not notice right away that the man followed me up.
He came up behind me and grabed my breasts so hard that it left bruises and started dry humping me and kissing my neck and ears.
This pushed me forward but I manadged to avoid falling down.
He then grabbed my hip, and this also left bruises, to spin me around.
Instead of fighting the motion I turned and when I turned that is when I gave him the knee in the groin and said dur and left because I don´t think he really was going to follow me back down.
Now how do you ask I know his name and such, well you see before this happened when we were sitting at the table he asked to have his picture taken with me, so I had his picture on my iPhone, how did I know his name, I asked the others at the table his name because I found him strange, they said he is harmless, he works here and his name is XXX
So I did not need to do much investigating, I just confirmed who he was by showing his picture to a shop owner down the street.
Now the only thing I can say, is if you are a woman I really hope a situation like this never occures to you because I think you will not have a single clue on how to defend yourself and you might get seriously injured or maybe worse killed.
If you are a man and you find this type of behavior acceptable than you are no better than the pour fool that tried to get into my pants and if you ever try doing this to a woman think twice you might get one that knows how to defend herself and run the risk of getting your ass kicked seriously.
Now think what you want I really don´t care for you or your opinions.