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Travelling to Turkey

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Typical Tourist Scams in Turkey
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30.       partnership
3 posts
 29 Aug 2012 Wed 06:03 pm


I appologized for contacting you through this media because it serves as the fastest and more convenient way to get to you.

My name is Mr James Gbohou, Am in search of a mutual business relationship and partner for business project, I worked with one of the main bank in Lome republic of Togo, what I want to transfer the sum of ($7.5 Million USD) Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars to your country for an investment purpose with you. I need your cooperation in the Transaction. let me know your interested, so I can give you more information. I will reward you with a reasonable level.

Contact me by email: jamesgbohou7


Add quoted text hereHello,
I appologized for contacting you through this media because it serves as the fastest and more convenient way to get to you.

My name is Mr James Gbohou, Am in search of a mutual business relationship and partner for business project, I worked with one of the main bank in Lome republic of Togo, what I want to transfer the sum of ($7.5 Million USD) Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars to your country for an investment purpose with you. I need your cooperation in the Transaction. let me know your interested, so I can give you more information. I will reward you with a reasonable level.

Contact me by email: jamesgbohou@gmail.com for more information.

I am waiting to hear from you.

Mr James Gbohou
@gmail.com for more information.

I am waiting to hear from you.

Mr James Gbohou

31.       Abla
3648 posts
 29 Aug 2012 Wed 06:05 pm

Just get out of here will you.

32.       tunci
7149 posts
 30 Aug 2012 Thu 12:39 am


Quoting partnership


I appologized for contacting you through this media because it serves as the fastest and more convenient way to get to you.

My name is Mr James Gbohou, Am in search of a mutual business relationship and partner for business project, I worked with one of the main bank in Lome republic of Togo, what I want to transfer the sum of ($7.5 Million USD) Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars to your country for an investment purpose with you. I need your cooperation in the Transaction. let me know your interested, so I can give you more information. I will reward you with a reasonable level.

Contact me by email: jamesgbohou7@gmail.com for more information.

I am waiting to hear from you.

Mr James Gbohou


what a load of rubbish !!

sorry but this type of scam is out of fashion..since there are tousands of this type  around on internet..modası geçti bu tip sahtekarlığın !

33.       stumpy
638 posts
 30 Aug 2012 Thu 01:20 am

Quote: AlphaF

Police finds apprehended attackers very surprised, wondering why tourist ladies try to defend their virtue like a real Turk, while in Turkey...
funny you say that they try to defend their virtue like a real Turk... heads up, in my country if you just put your hand on a woman´s butt you might get the living daylights beat out of you by the woman...

lana- liked this message
34.       Adam25
369 posts
 30 Aug 2012 Thu 02:43 pm


Quoting partnership


I appologized for contacting you through this media because it serves as the fastest and more convenient way to get to you.

My name is Mr James Gbohou, Am in search of a mutual business relationship and partner for business project, I worked with one of the main bank in Lome republic of Togo, what I want to transfer the sum of ($7.5 Million USD) Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars to your country for an investment purpose with you. I need your cooperation in the Transaction. let me know your interested, so I can give you more information. I will reward you with a reasonable level.

Contact me by email: jamesgbohou7@gmail.com for more information.

I am waiting to hear from you.

Mr James Gbohou


Wow what an amazing opportunity!!  I will be contacting you as soon as I finish typing this post - don´t go away!



slavica and caliptrix liked this message
35.       stumpy
638 posts
 31 Aug 2012 Fri 02:34 am

Quote: Adam25

Wow what an amazing opportunity!!  I will be contacting you as soon as I finish typing this post - don´t go away!

what they forgot to mention is that you will also receive a unicorn and after eating rainbows you will be farting butterflies

caliptrix liked this message
36.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 31 Aug 2012 Fri 12:18 pm


Quoting stumpy

funny you say that they try to defend their virtue like a real Turk... heads up, in my country if you just put your hand on a woman´s butt you might get the living daylights beat out of you by the woman...


You mean it has nothing to do with the Turkish food they get here ?   

37.       stumpy
638 posts
 01 Sep 2012 Sat 06:56 am

Quote: AlphaF

You mean it has nothing to do with the Turkish food they get here ?  
myself, after having had my first Turkish breakfast when I was in Istanbul I was ready for a nap basicly after having all the foods like mideye dolmasi, lamajhun, lentille soup and on and on and on I am suprised that I lost 10 kilos and that I did not go into a food induced coma and I haven´t even mentionned the pastries

38.       gokuyum
5050 posts
 01 Sep 2012 Sat 07:12 am

Not all Turks are same. I live like a saint

stumpy liked this message
39.       stumpy
638 posts
 01 Sep 2012 Sat 08:23 pm

Quote: gokuyum

Not all Turks are same. I live like a saint

carefull, the devil used to be an angel

gokuyum liked this message
40.       nessah
744 posts
 07 Apr 2013 Sun 02:14 am


Quoting Capoeira

Hello everybody! I love traveling and I know that Turkey is a great place with wonderful and by far very honest people. However, there are always a few that try to take advantage of our tourist ignorance. Even the best of us get taken every now and then. I would like people to share the scams that they avoided or got caught up in while traveling in Turkey. I would like it to be strictly about scams of hussles in Turkey. Thanks for sharing and I hope we all learn something here. 1. In Alanya...on 3 different occasions while waiting for change at different shops the owners engaged me in conversation. Half way out the door I realized I did not have my change and went back. On all occasions the owners acted as if they had simply forgot. THe first time yes/maybe...but the second two times... 2. Taxis never have proper change and feel comfortable telling you to forget about your 12-15 liras in change. I also discovered that they suddenly had poor math skills when counting out the change due back! 3. And my favorite one...the credit card machine didn´t work the first time because it did not print a receipt. So let me run your card again! Where after leaving you discover that you received a double charge. All of these incidences occured in Turkeky. Let me know what you discovered.


hahahhaa i know this very well from when i was there in 2009. im going back after 3 months and this time im prepard!!! bring it u thiefsssssssssssss



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