Turkey |
10. |
30 Nov 2006 Thu 10:19 pm |
Quoting nur1: gina
batman is in the east of turkey where there is terror problems, i wouldnt want to go there and i am turkish..
please dont go there!
also in the east family rules are really very strict i dont know did you hear anything about brothers kill sisters because they slept with somebody without marriage many more other things aswell!
I think you are overreacting and make generalisations. Yes, honor killing occurs in the east. But not only there! Yes, there are problems with PKK, but then don't go to Marmaris, Istanbul and Antalya as well, or to London, Madrid, Indonesia, Thailand, Nepal, Morocco and several places more where also is terror threatening. I don't say you should neglect warnings, but don't pretend on every corner of the street gunned men are waiting.
11. |
30 Nov 2006 Thu 10:20 pm |
For information about terrorism threats, traffic dangers, bird flu, robbery and other disasters see: http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket%2FXcelerate%2FShowPage&c=Page&cid=1007029390590&a=KCountryAdvice&aid=1013618386532
12. |
30 Nov 2006 Thu 10:24 pm |
Quote: I think you are overreacting and make generalisations. Yes, honor killing occurs in the east. But not only there! Yes, there are problems with PKK, but then don't go to Marmaris, Istanbul and Antalya as well, or to London, Madrid, Indonesia, Thailand, Nepal, Morocco and several places more where also is terror threatening. I don't say you should neglect warnings, but don't pretend on every corner of the street gunned men are waiting. |
13. |
30 Nov 2006 Thu 10:33 pm |
14. |
30 Nov 2006 Thu 11:37 pm |
Awww thanks everyone for your help. I don't really have any traditional turkish clothes but i will cover up (it will be freezing anyway so i will have to haha)! im sure ill be fine, and i bet because i have only been icmeler, marmaris, side etc, once i have experienced the other turkish culture e.g no tourism, ill b fine!! Hope it goes well hehe! Thanksss!
15. |
30 Nov 2006 Thu 11:40 pm |
Theres a city called Batman??
16. |
30 Nov 2006 Thu 11:46 pm |
i cant believe you guys you are trying to hide things we are not trying to advertising our country for tourism at the moment just helping somebody who will soon go there and disappoint also you cant compare batman to terror atacks in london or istanbul or any safety place terror atacks can be in anywhere in the world i am talking about pkk is living there, it means always there!
please dont ignore them!
17. |
30 Nov 2006 Thu 11:48 pm |
Quoting nur1: i cant believe you guys you are trying to hide things we are not trying to advertising our country for tourism at the moment just helping somebody who will soon go there and disappoint also you cant compare batman to terror atacks in london or istanbul or any safety place terror atacks can be in anywhere in the world i am talking about pkk is living there, it means always there!
please dont ignore them! |
I do not ignore, there are certainly places I won't go (Siirt and Sirnak for example). But I do not make it bigger as well.
18. |
30 Nov 2006 Thu 11:49 pm |
Quoting xkirstyx: Theres a city called Batman?? |
Yes. But pronounced differently. And no flying guys with masks to see...
19. |
30 Nov 2006 Thu 11:51 pm |
20. |
30 Nov 2006 Thu 11:51 pm |
Quoting GinaG: Hi...does anybody know what the city Batman is like?? I am going there for 2weeks to stay with my boyfriend and his family, but will they accept me? How different is things there from tourist areas, can we still walk down the street holiding hands? Thanks =] |
Are you okay?You must think this lots of times!