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Turkish Class Forums / Travelling to Turkey

Travelling to Turkey

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Biggest motivation
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1.       admin
758 posts
 16 Sep 2004 Thu 11:46 pm

As far as I have seen so far, the main motivation why majority of our members want to learn Turkish is a Turkish boyfriend. Here is the girls section then, tell what you like and what you don't like about your Turkish boyfriends.

We guys won't read, feel free

2.       desire
24 posts
 02 Jan 2005 Sun 01:21 am


3.       desire
24 posts
 15 Jan 2005 Sat 11:44 am

Hey...! :-S Am I the one that have something to say here...come on !share something...dont be that cruel ...i told you so many things ...you make me feel crazy! Am I??? I

4.       Sertab
136 posts
 16 Jan 2005 Sun 09:47 pm

canım I think u r not the one who has met a special turkish boy

5.       elmoh76
5 posts
 19 Feb 2005 Sat 10:07 am

Hmmmm turkish boyfriends.....well i have been with mine for just ova 3 weeks and he seems ok, even thou he says he loves me already!!! I must admit hes very different from English guys (I am from the UK) and a little insecure and possesive maybe, and is it me or are all turkish guys sex mad? And he works far too hard so i dont get to see him enough but im happy at the moment hahaha. Ask me in another month maybe about turkish men!!!!!

6.       Neyme
4 posts
 22 Feb 2005 Tue 02:48 am

7.       TrueorFalls
7 posts
 23 Feb 2005 Wed 07:36 am

Well, since boys will not read this,me,genderless, wants to make an input into this discussion.
I love gathering info from people and after digesting it, I am ready to share some things. No names, no specific places...
... Turkish boys are very sweet, they know so many beautiful words.
The first word he learnt in your language was "beautiful" The first thing he said when you came to a date was "you are so beautiful" with his exotic accent , which made your heart melt. He knows how to reach the stars for his love,he knows how to make impossible into possible... and the way he looks into you eyes... with such gentelness and such passion, like you are the only girl in the whole Universe and it makes you feel so special! You know how sentimental he is, he is better than your best girlfriend, he may cry with you and for you, for real, but it does not make him less of a man by any means. And also, you know how overprotective he is if someone else is just looking at you, he is ready to feast fight any competition.
And the way he plays with your hand... do you, girls, know what I am talking about? And another thing that I heard from the girls "Turkish guys are so handsome!"
And, and, and, and... Girls, you like Turkish boys...

8.       TrueorFalls
7 posts
 23 Feb 2005 Wed 07:39 am

I have a suggestion...
Let's maybe talk about what girls don't like about Turkish boys! Is there anything that you don't like? Or maybe just say that you like everything!
Or what do you like the most about them?

9.       catwoman
8933 posts
 23 Feb 2005 Wed 09:05 am

hehehe, that's a very good point

10.       elmoh76
5 posts
 25 Feb 2005 Fri 07:55 pm

The only thing i dont like is when he gets his english mixed up for example he was at work the other nite and sent me a text saying he was naked that worried me i texted back why are u naked at work? He said oh i am so tired my baby what he ment to say was he was knackered it was so funny.

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