Travelling to Turkey |
Yurt içi flights in Turkey
20. |
19 Feb 2008 Tue 08:35 pm |
Quoting Deli_kizin: Is it possible to buy a ticket for a domestic flight in Turkey (İstanbul-İzmir) at the airport the same day?
I mean, do you really have to book online, or could I try my luck at a desk there too?
Approximalte yhwat are the prices? |
I do this all the time, DK....the fees depend on where you want to go. I think from Istanbul to Aydin is about 65 YTL.
21. |
20 Feb 2008 Wed 01:54 am |
Quoting teaschip1: Quoting AlphaF: You should also consider Flying Carperts Inc, and Fast Camel Caravans Plc... as a serious options .. |
I don't know I tend to think Fast Camel Caravan maybe a little too aggressive. I hear they tend to wrestle their passengers.. |
Yes, only if they sense the traveller is an American.
Did you know that Turkia once sold American Army, camels to be used for military purposes, much like desert cavalry. The Turkish trainers of camels also went to the States and served in the US Army for nearly 30 years. They were all retired and returned back, when US army decided to abolish US Camel Corps.
I have met some of these camel trainers back in 1971, in Bayburt/Turkia. They were all men above 80 when I met them: They all spoke fluent Army English and lived on their retirement from the US Army. They were a funny bunch: They all loved America.
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20 Feb 2008 Wed 01:56 am |
Flying carpet
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20 Feb 2008 Wed 02:26 am |
Wonderful picture Ros
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20 Feb 2008 Wed 06:13 am |
Quoting AEnigma III: Wonderful picture Ros  |
I hate this curly type of flying carpets partner...I prefer the type that remains straight during flights..
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01 Mar 2008 Sat 09:47 pm |