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Travelling to Turkey

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How (not) to do it - Harams/helals
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1.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 01 Feb 2008 Fri 04:01 pm

I have come across this web page.
Since most of the girls here are after Turkish dudus (and they are 99% muslims), I though it might be a good idea and shed some lights to the topics you never thought they might be quite important (I never knew by myself for example) :
(It may contain some graphic details )
First the english bits:

About holding and looking: As far as holding and looking are concerned there is no restriction between husband and wife. (Omer apperantly said to his son that 'according to me it is a good thing because it will give more pleasure during intercourse)

About fantasizing : Some people believe 'a man is imagining another woman during the intercourse with his wife' is not considered as forbidden. But according to Ibn Âbidîn, he said 'it should be considered as forbidden. Because it is like imagining wine when you drink water and it is forbidden then it should be forbidden'

About the creams : as long as they dont contain pork fat, there is no indication that they are forbidden. But it is not a recommended situation. Allah did not forget to create natural moisturizer for it.

About the positions and bed covers: there are no recommendations or forbidden rules for the positions. as long as it is preformed through reproductive organs, man and wife can do whatever they like. Standing up, sitting down, behind, from the front, at the bottom, at the top etc. But they have to cover themselves. It is mentioned in Fetâvây-i Hindiyye that if the room is small (3X6 m2), the husband can take his wifes clothes off. Some philosophers though that there is no problem a man and wife can get undressed in a room together. But this does not mean when they have intercourse, they should be uncovered.

About masturbation: for a man, playing with your hand or with your butts in order to have pleasure, is not considered as halal. Using your hand for satisfaction is forbidden for both men and women. But a man can satisfy himself with his wife's hand or some parts of her body. and satisfying his wife that way is permitted too.

Impotence: If a man has no power for the intercourse after the marriage, he has a year. If end of the year, he still has no power even for once, if his wife wants a divorce, he will be divorced.

Telling others about your bedroom secrets: If there is an absolute necessity, telling your bedroom secrets to other are forbidden.
Turkish bits:

Tutma ve bakma konusunda karrkoca arasinda avret olan bölge yoktur.(Ibn >bidin VI/367) Hz. Ömer'in oglunun; "bana göre birbirinin organlarina bakmalari daha iyidir, çünkü bu cinsel iliskinin tadini artirir," dedigi nakledilir.

Hanimi ile iliskide bulunurken, onu tanidigi güzel bir kadin diye hayâl edip, onunla sevisiyor gibi cima yapmasinin haram olmadigini söyleyenler vardir. Ancak Ibn Âbidîn; bizim kurallarimiza göre bunun helâl olmamasi gerekir, çünkü bu, suyu sarap olarak düsünüp içmeye benzer. Onun haram oldugu açiktir. Öyleyse öbürü de helâl olmamalidir" der. ( Ibn ilbidin VI/372.) Dogru olan da bu olsa gerektir.

Cinsel iliskide kullanilan kremler, ya da yaglandiricilarin, domuz yagi gibi haram madde içermedikten sonra, helâl olmadigini gösteren bir delil yoktur. Ancak bu normal eslere tavsiye edilmeyecek bir durumdur. Allah bu is için tabi nemlendirici yaratmayi ihmal etmemistir.

Cinsel iliskinin yasaklanan, ya da tavsiye edilen bir sekli yoktur. Ne var ki, tabiîlik dinî olan Islam'in, bu konuda da tabiî olani tercih edecegi açiktir. Üreme organindan olmak üzere, kari ile koca hangi tür iliskiden zevk aliyorlarsa onu uygularlar. Ayakta, otururken, yatarken, arkadan, önden, altta, üstte; hangisini isterlerse öyle yaparlar. Ancak üzerlerinin örtülü olmasi Islâmî bir edep ve emirdir." Allah ise utanmaya en lâyik olandir"(Fetâvây-i Hindiyye'de: "Oda küçük olursa (5-1 zira' yani yaklasik(3 x 6 m2) koca böyle bir odada cima maksadiyla karisini soyabilir. Bir kisim ulema kari kocanin bir odada tek baslarina soyunmalarinda mahzur olmadigini söylemislerdir." (Ibn Âbidîn, Kunye'den, V/288). Ama bu, elbette cima ederken açik olabilecekleri anlamina gelmez. Hadîs için bk. Buhârî, ilm 15, edep 68.)

Erkegin, sehvetini uyandirmak ve zevk duymak için, eliyle ya da butlariyla kendi kendini tatmin etmesi helâl görülmemistir.
Erkegin eli vb. seylerle kendini tatmin etmesi caiz olmadigi gibi, kadinin da bu yolla tatmin aramasi câiz degildir. Ancak koca, karisinin eli ile ya da vücudunun diger yerleri ile tatmin olabilecegi gibi, karisini da bu yolla tatmin edebilir. (Serahsî, Mebsût X/159.)

Evlendiginde karisiyla iliskiye güç yetiremeyen erkek bir yil beklenir. Bir yil boyunca da, bir defa olsun, güç yetiremezse, karisi, istemesi halinde ayrilir, erkegi beklemeye zorlanamaz. (Ibn Âbidîn, el-Ukûdü'd-dürriyye I/30.)

Karikocanin, zaruret olmadikça cinsel iliski biçimlerini baskalarina anlatmalari haramdir. Peygamberimiz ((s.a.v.).) : "Süphesiz ki, Kiyâmet Gününde, Allah'in katinda, emanete hiyanetin en büyüklerinden biri, karikoca beraber düsüp-kalktiktan sonra, kocasinin kadinin sirrini yaymasidir" buyurmustur. (Müslim, nikâh 21; Davûdoglu age VN/327 vd.)

2.       Inankur
131 posts
 01 Feb 2008 Fri 04:02 pm

What kind of creature are you?

3.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 01 Feb 2008 Fri 04:03 pm

Quoting Inankur:

What kind of creature are you?

Excuse me?

4.       AEnigma III
0 posts
 01 Feb 2008 Fri 04:10 pm

Hehehe very interesting!
I bet most of those dudu's do NOT follow those rules lol

5.       Elisabeth
5732 posts
 01 Feb 2008 Fri 04:40 pm

I have called my husband and informed him of the rules, handsom.....I don't think he likes you!

6.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 01 Feb 2008 Fri 04:42 pm

Quoting Elisabeth:

I have called my husband and informed him of the rules, handsom.....I don't think he likes you!

Then, please pass my apologies to him. lol

btw..which part is he not happy about? hahahahaha

7.       Elisabeth
5732 posts
 01 Feb 2008 Fri 04:58 pm

Quoting thehandsom:

Quoting Elisabeth:

I have called my husband and informed him of the rules, handsom.....I don't think he likes you!

Then, please pass my apologies to him. lol

btw..which part is he not happy about? hahahahaha

8.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 01 Feb 2008 Fri 05:03 pm

Quoting Elisabeth:

Quoting thehandsom:

Quoting Elisabeth:

I have called my husband and informed him of the rules, handsom.....I don't think he likes you!

Then, please pass my apologies to him. lol

btw..which part is he not happy about? hahahahaha

ha ha
dont worry..I will consider it as "absolute necessity" lol

Telling others about your bedroom secrets: If there is an absolute necessity, telling your bedroom secrets to other are forbidden.

9.       kaddersokak
130 posts
 01 Feb 2008 Fri 05:19 pm

Quoting Inankur:

What kind of creature are you?

10.       teaschip
3870 posts
 01 Feb 2008 Fri 05:21 pm

You Turks are way to complicated. A rule for this and that..I don't like rules. lol

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