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what caught my eye today
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5070.       tunci
7149 posts
 07 Mar 2013 Thu 12:48 am


Adios  Hugo Chavez. Rest in Peace honourable man.


5071.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 13 Mar 2013 Wed 12:06 pm

Syria crisis: Children



..The research team at Bahcesehir University in Turkey found that not only had three in every four children they spoke to had lost a loved one, but one in every three children had been hit, kicked or shot at in the course of the conflict.

"I don´t think there is a single child untouched by this war," the report quotes a child called Safa as saying. "Everyone has seen death, everyone has lost someone. I know no one who has not suffered as we have. It is on such a scale."..



Over 1.000.000 refugees, over 70.000 death in a country of 20million.

This is a human misery  



5072.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 13 Mar 2013 Wed 09:39 pm

Pope Francis I is elected. Cry




I think it was fixed!!!

What was wrong with Pope AlphaF I? {#emotions_dlg.lol_fast}


5073.       insallah
1277 posts
 13 Mar 2013 Wed 10:24 pm

What is going on I am away for a few days and both Nev and Aida leave the site Cry

Edited (3/13/2013) by insallah

5074.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 13 Mar 2013 Wed 11:37 pm


Quoting insallah

What is going on I am away for a few days and both Nev and Aida leave the site Cry


They were the queens of chat room

nemanjasrb liked this message
5075.       nemanjasrb
507 posts
 14 Mar 2013 Thu 03:41 pm


Quoting insallah

What is going on I am away for a few days and both Nev and Aida leave the site Cry



?? Why ?? Cry What happened?!

5076.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 28 Mar 2013 Thu 11:30 pm

10000 £ bionic dog Bumblebee




5077.       insallah
1277 posts
 01 Apr 2013 Mon 12:31 pm



This caught my eye today , however I have a feeling it may be Mr Branson´s attempt at April fools.


If not, i´m not sure I fancy a flight on it


Virgin Atlantic´s glass-bottomed plane.jpg

Edited (4/1/2013) by insallah

5078.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 08 Apr 2013 Mon 03:21 pm

Ex-Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher dies!


5079.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 13 Apr 2013 Sat 02:11 am

Green light to Canal Istanbul project

The government has pushed the button for the Canal Istanbul project, which will create a big island on the European side of Istanbul, after the Higher Planning Committee signed the project, two years after it was announced by the prime minister.





It is a mouth watering project from the civil engineering point of view but from the environment point of view and as far as city planning are concerned it is a disaster!!

It will increase the population of Istanbul, destroy the northern green areas of Istanbul  and I dont think they know what sort of environmental effect they will get in the end.


5080.       Abla
3648 posts
 13 Apr 2013 Sat 09:08 am

Quote: thehandsom

Canal Istanbul project


The wish to change the direction of flowing waters or tamper coastlines are symptoms of a disease typical only to humans: megalomany. Josif Stalin wanted to turn the waters of River Volga, sheikh Mohamad ibn Rashid Al Maktum has changed the coastline of his desperate piece of desert into a patchwork quilt. The environmental impacts of this disease are enormous. This is what happens when you have too much riches and power and no culture.


Why Istanbul?


Birds in the sky are going to be confused.

Edited (4/13/2013) by Abla
Edited (4/13/2013) by Abla [I must read it carefully first. :))]
Edited (4/14/2013) by Abla
Edited (4/14/2013) by Abla
Edited (4/14/2013) by Abla

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