Turkish Class Website |
Please, report problems or questions to moderators/admins
540. |
08 Nov 2010 Mon 05:22 am |
The "Latest Translation Messages" file is collapsed and I can´t open it.
How can I possibly translate messages now? 
Hmm, I don´t see this problem. Are you still having it? If so, which browser are you using?
541. |
08 Nov 2010 Mon 05:31 am |
What happened to Picture Galleries? Only one picture from every page is displayed in All Turkey Pictures Gallery and users´ galleries. Travel Turkey in Pictures is completely disabled, since links for sub-galleries, used to be at the bottom of the page, now are not visible. Hundreds of pictures are not available, except if they appear as a rendom picture. Is it possible to be fixed? Thanks in advance 
This should be fixed now. Thanks for letting us know.
542. |
08 Nov 2010 Mon 11:31 pm |
Dear Mods & Admins,
I wanted to post in the thread "Absurd news from Turkie" but realized it is locked because of personal insults. Instead of locking the thread, most certainly you can edit the insulting posts or you can delete them. Can´t you?
543. |
08 Nov 2010 Mon 11:52 pm |
We can always unlock the thread, armegon. However, I didn´t want the name calling and insults to go on and on and escalate which is what usually happens even if portions are deleted. There is another "Absurb news from Turkey" thread floating around here. Is it possible to post something in that one?
544. |
09 Nov 2010 Tue 12:41 am |
We can always unlock the thread, armegon. However, I didn´t want the name calling and insults to go on and on and escalate which is what usually happens even if portions are deleted. There is another "Absurb news from Turkey" thread floating around here. Is it possible to post something in that one?
Actually the othe rone is "Absurd news from OUT of Turkiye" It took me a few moments to spot the "out" word. Before that I was convinced we have 2 threads of the same title 
545. |
23 Nov 2010 Tue 09:50 pm |
There is something wrong with the page formating of the thread
Another look at Armenian Genocide claims
For some reason the right side is missing so it´s very hard to reply to posts. The only way I could was to use quote to make a post.
546. |
24 Nov 2010 Wed 08:57 pm |
It seems it was my browser, which was Opera 10.63. It missbehaves sometimes. The page is fine in Firefox, Chrome and Opera 11 which is a beta. I didn´t try it in MS IE.
There is something wrong with the page formating of the thread
Another look at Armenian Genocide claims
For some reason the right side is missing so it´s very hard to reply to posts. The only way I could was to use quote to make a post.
547. |
23 Apr 2011 Sat 02:38 am |
I cant talk in chat. I join but the second I enter any writting and hit send. It chucks me out. Does the room not want me 
548. |
23 Apr 2011 Sat 02:48 am |
I cant talk in chat. I join but the second I enter any writting and hit send. It chucks me out. Does the room not want me 
Have you been naughty??? I doubt it...
I will pass it along to admin. I don´t see any other users having problems. Sorry!
549. |
23 Apr 2011 Sat 02:59 am |
Have you been naughty??? I doubt it...
I will pass it along to admin. I don´t see any other users having problems. Sorry!
Elisabeth I am never ever naughty 
550. |
25 Apr 2011 Mon 11:12 am |
I haven´t clicked on any of the links, but this member seems to be advertising within posts.