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A claim: "Kurds do not divide Turkey but Invade"
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1.       mltm
3690 posts
 12 Oct 2008 Sun 06:25 pm

This article has been around for a while, I do not know its source, I couldn´t find who wrote it, but I offer you as a different point of view on the subject (probably an extreme one). These are not my opinions and are only translated by me.

""Kurds do not divide Turkey but Invade

Today half of the Kurds are living in western cities such as Ankara, Ýzmir, Bursa,Ýzmit,Adana,Antalya, Mersin, Konya, Manisa, Aydýn,Samsun.

Even in Thracian and Blacksea region, the Kurdish population has been rapidly spreading. Such that, more Kurds have been living in the other parts of Turkey than the place that the Kurdists call Kurdistan. Furthermore Kurds have been obtaining the most important positions where they live, and have been rapidly rising economically, socially and culturally. Besides Kurdish population have a growth rate that is incomparable to the Turkish population.

According to the calculations, in 20-25 years Kurdish population will exceed the Turkish population. In this respect conscious and planned actions have been being carried out, the Kurdish population-growth has been being consciously encouraged. While this is done, in the cities such as Tokat, Amasya, Afyon Kastamonu, Sinop, Çankýrý, Zonguldak,Samsun, Ordu, Sakarya, Giresun, Trabzon, Gümüþhane, Çorum, Edirne, Uþak,Kýrýkkale, Bartýn, Karabük where Turks are the majority, under the name of “family planning”  the Turkish population-growth is tried to be restrained.

Turkish population-growth has stopped and it even shows a tendency to decrease. However, the family planning works in the Southeast have been failed because of the Kurdists that make the region population conscious in this respect. What’s more, by the AKP government’s coming to power the family planning in the Southeastern region has been ceased and the programme of distributing money per child has been started. In other words even more increase of Kurdish population has been intended. For Kurdish families, having many children has got to the point of a conscious movement.

According to the claim of Haftalýk magazine;

In Turkey, Turkish population growth ceased 10 years ago, and for 5 years it has entered into a decreasing phase. The number of Turks decrease by 0.8% each year while Kurds increase at least by 3% each year. It is said that the population growth in Turkey is a Kurdish product. While agreeing this claim, I also think that the increase of arabs and gipsies should not be ignored.

One of the important declarations that reveals the aim of the Kurdistanization of Turkey belongs to the assassinated famous Kurdist journalist Musa Anter. Musa Anter by saying “Ýstanbul is the biggest Kurdish city.” “We are not so stupid to wish the division of Turkey and give up on Ýstanbul, Ankara and Ýzmir.” has very simply and bravely gave voice to the main goal that Kurds have in their mind. And maybe because of this and such declarations he made, for revealing the hidden aims he has been assassinated by PKK thinking that he harms Kurdism.

Today many holding companies of Turkey are owned by Kurds. Many giant corporations such as Toprak Holding and Ceylan Holding are owned by Kurds. Apart from this, Kurds dominate the business branches that bring hot money with a 75% share. Kurds have come to a dominating position in commerce in every region and city, it should not be very difficult to estimate that Kurdish riches support Kurdism, but do this in a very skilful and sneaky way.

The donations that make the Kurdish singers that earn large sums of money to Kurdist organizations are not a secret. The cultural storm that is blown in the media by the Kurdish origined singers who take part for free in the organizations that are organized by DEHAP (a pro-Kurdish political party) municipalities is based on the politics of the Kurdization of the cultural and artistic climate of Turkey. The Turkish culture which is tried to be captured by the Kurdish songs or the musical products with a Kurdish accent and the TV series that are produced in the frames of the Kurdish cultural identity faces degeneration and assimilation.

In politics, as well, a Kurdization has been experienced in its true meaning. At least half of the deputies and ministries in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey are Kurdish origined. Not only the Southeast deputies but also an important portion of the Central and Western Anatolia deputies are Kurdish origined. In this point, it should be recalled that Mesut Barzani said “I have seventy five men in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.” If Barzani has seventy five men then Talabani must have at least that much of men as well. And think about the number of the deputies that are Apo (Abdullah Öcalan, the founding leader of PKK) supporters.

The Kurdish origined deputies would not hesitate to do what is required by their fundamental identity when the appropriate political and social atmosphere forms (they already do it sneakily). In order to give you an idea about it, let us remind you the voting that took place in the near past. The political attitudes of the East and Southeast deputies that upon the wishes of Barzani  and Talabani rejected as a whole the offer of the USA to the Turkish army to carry out  a joint operation to northern Irak are known.


In order to demonstrate the power of Kurds in politics, we should, as well, recall that the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdullah Gül boasted by more than half of the AKP deputies being Kurdish origined. Anyway, Abdullah Gül himself is not a Turk either. His family moved to Kayseri from Siirt in the past.

The statement of Baykal (leader of the Republican People’s Party, CHP) is tragic but true

He states in a statement he made to Takvim newspaper:

“Kurds can have the most beautiful yalý (a seaside house in Istanbul) and the most beautiful girls of Istanbul. Our everything is common. For this reason Kurds would not want a separation either.”

Tragic but a true determination. Let’s figure it out it. Except a couple of idiot Kurds, no Kurd wants separation. Their intention is not to divide or to get divided but to get the resources and the cities of Turkey. In the meanwhile, they will, of course, consider it a gain if they can obtain an autonomy in the cities that they will get the majority in the Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia.

As some shallow minded people believe, the name of the real danger is not the “separatist Kurds”, but the “invasive Kurds”."



2.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 12 Oct 2008 Sun 06:49 pm

Thanks for the translation mltm..

I could not find a better example to show about ´what extend some people´s racism can go up in Turkey´.

I would recommend our hospitals carried out secret ´snip operations´ for the Kurdish men and their women´s tubes should be tied

3.       catwoman
8933 posts
 12 Oct 2008 Sun 06:49 pm

Personally I think that this article quite exaggerates the impact of Kurds on Turkish culture. I think that Turks are used to being the only voice in the society and they wish to remain this way, any other voices are seen as threat (they do argue against the same issues when Turks are immigrants in other countries though). I think that Kurds had recently been given the ´right´ to speak their own language and the ability to live their own culture and traditions and that is now perceived as a threat. Kurds are however 5-15% of the country... hardly a threat.

I have serious doubts about the statistics regarding population increase among Turks. I think it is still on the increase. At the same time, those Kurds who "made it" -- I don´t think they have so many kids, it´s those who live in backwards environments who do. But maybe I´m wrong - some data would be good on this topic.

About Kurds living in big cities - well, if you burn 3,500 Kurdish villages... where are they supposed to go?

4.       tamikidakika
1346 posts
 12 Oct 2008 Sun 08:46 pm

This is a very good article. Just notice what the Kurdish "intellectual" Musa Anter says,


´Kürt salak mý ki bölünmek istesin? Türk batýdaki en iyi yerleri alacak, Kürt´e ise güneydoðudaki bereketsiz topraklar kalacak. Yok öyle yaðma. Ýstanbul da bizim, Ankara da, Ýzmir de. Günü geldiðinde hepsini alacaðýz´




5.       tamikidakika
1346 posts
 12 Oct 2008 Sun 08:49 pm


Quoting catwoman

Personally I think that this article quite exaggerates the impact of Kurds on Turkish culture. I think that Turks are used to being the only voice in the society and they wish to remain this way, any other voices are seen as threat (they do argue against the same issues when Turks are immigrants in other countries though). I think that Kurds had recently been given the ´right´ to speak their own language and the ability to live their own culture and traditions and that is now perceived as a threat. Kurds are however 5-15% of the country... hardly a threat.

I have serious doubts about the statistics regarding population increase among Turks. I think it is still on the increase. At the same time, those Kurds who "made it" -- I don´t think they have so many kids, it´s those who live in backwards environments who do. But maybe I´m wrong - some data would be good on this topic.

About Kurds living in big cities - well, if you burn 3,500 Kurdish villages... where are they supposed to go?


why don`t you argue the same thing for the Muslims in the European countries. They don`t even constitute the 2% of the population there, but you`re always talking about the so called islamization of Europe.


The Kurds here are the 20%of the country (not 5% as you said), and they keep growing at a rate that surpasess every other ethnicities in the country.


but, it`s very interesting to see how the Kurd lovers oppose the partition of the southeast. Isn`t that what they have been asking for decades, but I think even it`s not enough for some people anymore.

6.       MrX67
2540 posts
 12 Oct 2008 Sun 09:55 pm

ethnical  problems mostly one of valid matter  in undeveloped democracies,and pity we will have this problem till  acqiure standarts of a real democracy.

7.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 12 Oct 2008 Sun 10:57 pm


Quoting tamikidakika

This is a very good article. Just notice what the Kurdish "intellectual" Musa Anter says,


´Kürt salak mý ki bölünmek istesin? Türk batýdaki en iyi yerleri alacak, Kürt´e ise güneydoðudaki bereketsiz topraklar kalacak. Yok öyle yaðma. Ýstanbul da bizim, Ankara da, Ýzmir de. Günü geldiðinde hepsini alacaðýz´





I think it is better to put the record straight.

Musa Anter said :

"kürt aptal mý ki bölünmek istesin? türkler, istanbul´u, ankara´yý, izmir´i alýrken kürtler neden siirt´i, diyarbakýr´Ã½ alsýn? "bizler bölünme yanlýsý deðiliz, birleþme yanlýsýyýz. bizim karþý çýktýðýmýz þey kürd´ün iþçi, türk´ün patron olmasýdýr"

"is Kurd that stupid to ask for seperation?. why would turks take istanbul ankara izmir while kurds would take siirt, diyarbakir? We are siding ourselves with seperation, we are in favour of unity. What we are against is ´the reality where kurd is labour turk is the boss´"



8.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 12 Oct 2008 Sun 11:04 pm


Quoting tamikidakika

why don`t you argue the same thing for the Muslims in the European countries. They don`t even constitute the 2% of the population there, but you`re always talking about the so called islamization of Europe.


The Kurds here are the 20%of the country (not 5% as you said), and they keep growing at a rate that surpasess every other ethnicities in the country.


but, it`s very interesting to see how the Kurd lovers oppose the partition of the southeast. Isn`t that what they have been asking for decades, but I think even it`s not enough for some people anymore.


I have to remind you that you are talking about Turkish citizens here.They are not Turks but they are the citizens of Turkey.

They have right to live in Turkey as much as you do.

I am amazed to see kurd haters want the seperation of Turkey. Or so easily ready to give up some parts of the land from Turkey..



9.       tamikidakika
1346 posts
 12 Oct 2008 Sun 11:29 pm


Quoting thehandsom

I think it is better to put the record straight.

Musa Anter said :

"kürt aptal mý ki bölünmek istesin? türkler, istanbul´u, ankara´yý, izmir´i alýrken kürtler neden siirt´i, diyarbakýr´Ã½ alsýn? "bizler bölünme yanlýsý deðiliz, birleþme yanlýsýyýz. bizim karþý çýktýðýmýz þey kürd´ün iþçi, türk´ün patron olmasýdýr"

"is Kurd that stupid to ask for seperation?. why would turks take istanbul ankara izmir while kurds would take siirt, diyarbakir? We are siding ourselves with seperation, we are in favour of unity. What we are against is ´the reality where kurd is labour turk is the boss´"


what is your resource for that quote? is it uludagsozluk?{#lang_emotions_satisfied_nod}


and why am I being a "kurd hater" just because I`m in favor of partition? Isn`t partition what the majority of the Kurds want?  I have to remind you that a couple months ago, in a thread, you said that self determination is the right of the Kurds in the southeast referring to the self determination of TRNC.


so why are you arguing the exact opposite thing now? it seems like you`ve started to like the idea of invasion over partition.




10.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 13 Oct 2008 Mon 12:10 am


Quoting tamikidakika

what is your resource for that quote? is it uludagsozluk?{#lang_emotions_satisfied_nod}


and why am I being a "kurd hater" just because I`m in favor of partition? Isn`t partition what the majority of the Kurds want?  I have to remind you that a couple months ago, in a thread, you said that self determination is the right of the Kurds in the southeast referring to the self determination of TRNC.


so why are you arguing the exact opposite thing now? it seems like you`ve started to like the idea of invasion over partition.



Yes..I have done a quick googling and your source is right wing tercuman  and cerftified racist web sites? {#lang_emotions_lol}

Sorry about kurd hater... I did not know you liked them..

And about the self determination, well, i dont remember saying it as I have always been against the seperation. But if we keep insulting minorities (like the above translation; or talking about them as if they are not the citizens of Turkey), I am afraid you wont find any kurds who will want to stay with us in the end.

The entire invasion idea is the invention of ´Turkish racists´. It is same as israel´i right wing worries about palestinian birth rate.

I think higher birth rate is related education and poverty not kurds ´secretly passing messages house to house and saying -oh lets make more babies and overtake the Turkish polulation-´


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