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English Moms (or Dads!) of mini Turkish Learners!
20. |
28 Apr 2006 Fri 08:51 am |
Ohh ladies!!
Why you give permision to childs to see very bad boy "Bart Simpson"???
In my humble point of view, he is a very badly example for the children, Bart is limp, gross, does not respect his parents, neither to his sister. Also he is a potential violent boy.
If one day I have children... I never will give permission to see "The Simpson".
Pardon if there are some American people here, but i think these cartoon is trash.
I'm sorry again.
21. |
28 Apr 2006 Fri 08:57 am |
I agree with Mery.
But neither do I have kids
22. |
28 Apr 2006 Fri 09:06 am |
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28 Apr 2006 Fri 09:20 am |
Haha well I think 'The Simpsons' are great. It's funny and kids are normally sensible enough to realise that people like Bart get punished for being bad. And that they should never be bad like him. Trust me, I'm a kid, I do know. Plus, all kids go through a 'naughty' stage. Some last longer than others. Kids do know what's right and what's wrong most of the time. But sometimes they just need a push in the right direction.
24. |
28 Apr 2006 Fri 11:03 am |
Quoting Meriem: Ohh ladies!!
Why you give permision to childs to see very bad boy "Bart Simpson"???
The Simpsons just isn't meant for kids. I wouldn't care too much if kids watched it, because I'm sure they would not understand half of it!! There are so many jokes that are just too subtle (or complicated) for a kid's mind.
They could try to copy the attitude of Bart though, true, and then it may be good to give them some guidance. And, like mentioned in the post above, there is always a moral, or punishment for his actions..
My brother grew up with the Simpsons, and it didn't spoil his mind (or maybe that is just because I guided him.. )
I don't think you should apoligize for thinking it is trash though. I'm sure a lot of Americans will love to agree with you
Personally I think it is one of the best cartoon series ever made, together with Family Guy