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Identity or services? Kurds said ´identity´
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1.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 10:55 am

Let’s hear the voice of the Kurds (II)


The most important part of these elections for me is the ballot results from the Southeastern region. This result has shifted the Kurdish issue in a different direction.



He said: "If you wish to obtain services, vote for us. If you wish to obtain an identity, then vote for someone else." He even gave speeches that implied "love it or leave it." The goal was to show the Kurdish voters a carrot, state that the DTP is not able to supply municipality services properly and send across the message, "If you vote for me I’ll supply my services." ...


With TRT-6 he tried to satisfy the Kurds’ identity expectation, and by using a Kurdish sentence during Nevruz (the coming of spring) festivities, he tried to satisfy their language expectations. ...



The government’s brisk attitude against the northern Iraqi Kurdistan regional administration, especially last year, has also created an adverse reaction. 


Finally, another important aspect is last year’s military movements, the bombing of northern Iraqi PKK targets and extremely brisk interventions by the police in demonstrations in the region

(This section is specially for the people who think military operation, which I was against, was a good thing in Northern Iraq last year)


Along all these, the psychological campaign pursued by the DTP was very successful as well. The attitude, "Those who feel like a Kurd will vote for us. Not for the AKP. If you vote for the AKP, you’ll lose your Kurdish identity," was very effective. ...


The Kurdish messages were very clear: 

The Kurdish identity is more important than anything else. No matter how much service you supply, the priority is the acceptance of our Kurdish identity. The Kurdish issue will be solved with politics, not weapons. The DTP needs to be our addressee for the Kurdish issue. This party represents us. ..

Let’s not push the DTP outside the system 


If we evaluate the election results with a clear mind, we notice the necessity that ...embrace them and accept them as the addressee for steps to be taken in the Kurdish issue.

Full article:


2.       chiko
135 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 11:08 am


Quoting thehandsom


Let’s hear the voice of the Kurds (II)




i wonder will you ever try to hear voice of non-kurds   always kurds kurds kurds!!!

3.       TheAenigma
5001 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 11:13 am


Quoting chiko



i wonder will you ever try to hear voice of non-kurds   always kurds kurds kurds!!!



We certainly hear the voice of TheHandsom often enough...

4.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 11:38 am

Obviously, I am not bending anybody´s arm and forcing them to read my posts. 

5.       TheAenigma
5001 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 11:47 am

Well I can´t speak for Chiko, but I think if I was a Kurdish member here, non PKK supporting, living my ordinary life in Turkey, I would feel you were doing nothing but creating bad feeling and alienating others!

6.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 11:49 am


Quoting TheAenigma

Well I can´t speak for Chiko, but I think if I was a Kurdish member here, non PKK supporting, living my ordinary life in Turkey, I would feel you were doing nothing but creating bad feeling and alienating others!


That is your idea and I am not taking it too seriously..

Edited (4/2/2009) by thehandsom

7.       chiko
135 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 12:36 pm

Why have you become so aggressive suddenly TheH ? ..you are being like those members of TC who  can´t bear to be criticised what i meant was in my previous post was that ....why dont you ever try to see other side of coin? yes of course there are many mistakes and crimes happened to Kurds..but will you ever write anything about the mistakes Kurdish have done? just once! so that people can see you are not biased. we ( kurdish ) have not been innocent angels. for example you are writing about DTP but you dont critcise DTP for still defending only kurdish rights but not any other rights like labour or animal rights and for limitting kurdish people´s horizon with only PKK.. for example you never write about kurdish who insist not to adapt modern city life and stay as  to stay as countryman in city...maybe it is hard to see the fact from UK. or maybe you just love conflict, arguing and disagrement.

8.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 12:47 pm


Quoting chiko

Why have you become so aggressive suddenly TheH ? ..you are being like those members of TC who  can´t bear to be criticised what i meant was in my previous post was that ....why dont you ever try to see other side of coin? yes of course there are many mistakes and crimes happened to Kurds..but will you ever write anything about the mistakes Kurdish have done? just once! so that people can see you are not biased. we ( kurdish ) have not been innocent angels. for example you are writing about DTP but you dont critcise DTP for still defending only kurdish rights but not any other rights like labour or animal rights and for limitting kurdish people´s horizon with only PKK.. for example you never write about kurdish who insist not to adapt modern city life and stay as  to stay as countryman in city...maybe it is hard to see the fact from UK. or maybe you just love conflict, arguing and disagrement.


I am not aggressive at all despite the fact that I am the person who was sweared at all the time..

Why dont you write yourself about the topics you are mentioning?

Why are you waiting for ME to write them?

9.       chiko
135 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 12:53 pm


Quoting thehandsom


Why dont you write yourself about the topics you are mentioning?

Why are you waiting for ME to write them?


Because life is more beautiful without arguing and trying to make people understand you. but you are obviously bold enough to discuss or argue with anyone. so i expect it from you! dont tire me please

10.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 12:56 pm


Quoting chiko



Because life is more beautiful without arguing and trying to make people understand you. but you are obviously bold enough to discuss or argue with anyone. so i expect it from you! dont tire me please


I have not neither invited you to read what I post, nor I have invited you to argue with me Chiko..It was you..

Edited (4/2/2009) by thehandsom

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