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Identity or services? Kurds said ´identity´
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90.       TheAenigma
5001 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 09:45 pm


Quoting catwoman



Of course you can defend yourself, it´s just that "revealing dirty laundry on a public forum" does seem to be a nasty way to do it... But if I read too much into it, my apologies.


 I never do that - but I think Trudy thought she was ...

91.       Trudy
7887 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 09:51 pm


Quoting TheAenigma



 I never do that - but I think Trudy thought she was ...


 Don´t think about me please.

92.       girleegirl
5065 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 10:53 pm

 If handsom wants to post his Kurdish related threads it’s his right to do so.  It is also everyone else’s right to respond or read or not read or cringe or turn off their computers........etc. etc. etc..........  

But I have to say, I have come to find your whining quite tiring handsom….although it has, at times, been amusing….your “crying foul” is wearing thin.  You want to act all innocent and say that you only complain when being sworn at but you know full well that you push buttons once certain people say anything against your posts.   As far as I am concerned, you bring some of it on yourself (hhmmmm this could be written to any number of people here really) . 

You have to expect that if you continue to post controversial subjects that you will receive comments that you don´t want to hear.  Get over it. 

And honestly, who cares if someone swears at you???  Are you so delicate that you can’t take some words thrown your way?    You do the same, you are just more careful in your choice of verbiage! 


Edited (4/2/2009) by girleegirl [offfffffffffffffffff]

93.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 02 Apr 2009 Thu 11:22 pm


Quoting girleegirl


 If handsom wants to post his Kurdish related threads it’s his right to do so.  It is also everyone else’s right to respond or read or not read or cringe or turn off their computers........etc. etc. etc..........  

But I have to say, I have come to find your whining quite tiring handsom….although it has, at times, been amusing….your “crying foul” is wearing thin.  You want to act all innocent and say that you only complain when being sworn at but you know full well that you push buttons once certain people say anything against your posts.   As far as I am concerned, you bring some of it on yourself (hhmmmm this could be written to any number of people here really) . 

You have to expect that if you continue to post controversial subjects that you will receive comments that you don´t want to hear.  Get over it. 

And honestly, who cares if someone swears at you???  Are you so delicate that you can’t take some words thrown your way?    You do the same, you are just more careful in your choice of verbiage! 





Well you might be finding my complaints about people swearing at me quite tiring. But it is more tiring and annoying for me to hear them.

I dont think I was crying fool here.. I was just complaining that people at swearing at me..

The other alternative is, of course, I swear back at them which I can do perfectly well.

But, I dont think it would make the things better either..

I am still not sure I am brining the swearing to myself..


94.       girleegirl
5065 posts
 03 Apr 2009 Fri 12:09 am


Quoting thehandsom



Well you might be finding my complaints about people swearing at me quite tiring. But it is more tiring and annoying for me to hear them.

I dont think I was crying fool here.. I was just complaining that people at swearing at me..

The other alternative is, of course, I swear back at them which I can do perfectly well.

But, I dont think it would make the things better either..

I am still not sure I am brining the swearing to myself..



 Of course you don´t think you are bringing it on yourself....any more that "they" think they are bringing things on themselves.   

There is constant finger pointing and people seem to be spending a vast majority of their time here posting about how they aren´t going to respond to something/someone (when in fact, that very statement IS a response), or saying...I didn´t start it!! 

It´s old. 

Like I said before, if someone wants to post something on a public forum, they need to be prepared to take some heat over it.   If you can´t dot that.....then how the hell do you get through a day in REAL life???? 


95.       lessluv
1052 posts
 03 Apr 2009 Fri 12:19 am


Quoting girleegirl

 If handsom wants to post his Kurdish related threads it’s his right to do so.  It is also everyone else’s right to respond or read or not read or cringe or turn off their computers........etc. etc. etc..........  

But I have to say, I have come to find your whining quite tiring handsom….although it has, at times, been amusing….your “crying foul” is wearing thin.  You want to act all innocent and say that you only complain when being sworn at but you know full well that you push buttons once certain people say anything against your posts.   As far as I am concerned, you bring some of it on yourself (hhmmmm this could be written to any number of people here really) . 

You have to expect that if you continue to post controversial subjects that you will receive comments that you don´t want to hear.  Get over it. 

And honestly, who cares if someone swears at you???  Are you so delicate that you can’t take some words thrown your way?    You do the same, you are just more careful in your choice of verbiage! 





96.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 03 Apr 2009 Fri 12:24 am


Quoting girleegirl



 Of course you don´t think you are bringing it on yourself....any more that "they" think they are bringing things on themselves.   

There is constant finger pointing and people seem to be spending a vast majority of their time here posting about how they aren´t going to respond to something/someone (when in fact, that very statement IS a response), or saying...I didn´t start it!! 

It´s old. 

Like I said before, if someone wants to post something on a public forum, they need to be prepared to take some heat over it.   If you can´t dot that.....then how the hell do you get through a day in REAL life???? 




If  someone posts something and if the others are coming with swearings instead of posting a counter argument and you say the swearing itself is part of heated discussion and you should take it, sorry from my part..

I will never take any swearing under any circumstances.

If you are saying that ´do not post´ these things because they will swear at you, you bring a  different question here, which is ´if we should refrain ourselves from posting because of swearings´.

It is a though situation yani..

97.       CANLI
5084 posts
 03 Apr 2009 Fri 04:43 am


Quoting thehandsom




If  someone posts something and if the others are coming with swearings instead of posting a counter argument and you say the swearing itself is part of heated discussion and you should take it, sorry from my part..

I will never take any swearing under any circumstances.

If you are saying that ´do not post´ these things because they will swear at you, you bring a  different question here, which is ´if we should refrain ourselves from posting because of swearings´.

It is a though situation yani..


 Ã dont see any swearing at the thread handsom, so i fail to understand what are you talking about ?!

Or are you referring to other threads so thats why being aggressive to other people here ?!

Still i cant see any relation, as you are free to post, people are also free to like it or not, and also free to express it or not

As AE said, its a public forum, and regarding to our rules as you know, they can say and pots anything they want, related or not related to the topic too .


What i find it really amýsing, is that when Turks ´as in group´ complain and say what you are saying isnt correct, you claim because they want to hide the facts, and now when also Kurd complain and say you are one sided, you said its none of their business.

Whose business is it then handsom ?!


98.       Kiara
145 posts
 03 Apr 2009 Fri 05:17 am

Can I ask a question here? This is something I have wanted to understand, but can´t seem to find the answers. Maybe I will get them here.


My question is about the Kurdish people. Actually, there are several questions.

1. Where did the Kurdish people come from? Where they originally from Turkey or from Iraq? My understanding was that they were pushed north by Iraq...but I don´t know if that´s accurate.

2. Is the conflict mainly with the PKK and not the Kurdish people themselves? Again, my understanding is that the PKK is a terriorist group, but maybe I´m also wrong about that.


Forgive my ignorance about this subject, but that´s why I´m asking Big smile

Edited (4/3/2009) by Kiara [I pushed "send" before I was finished ]

99.       tamikidakika
1346 posts
 03 Apr 2009 Fri 05:31 am


Quoting Kiara

Can I ask a question here? This is something I have wanted to understand, but can´t seem to find the answers. Maybe I will get them here.


My question is about the Kurdish people. Actually, there are several questions.

1. Where did the Kurdish people come from? Where they originally from Turkey or from Iraq? My understanding was that they were pushed north by Iraq...but I don´t know if that´s accurate.


neither.  Kurds are Iranians and Iranians come from India and Pakistan.



2. Is the conflict mainly with the PKK and not the Kurdish people themselves? Again, my understanding is that the PKK is a terriorist group, but maybe I´m also wrong about that.


Forgive my ignorance about this subject, but that´s why I´m asking Big smile


The conflict is mainly with PKK but there are millions of supporters of this terrorist group inside of Turkey.


100.       Kiara
145 posts
 03 Apr 2009 Fri 05:34 am


neither.  Kurds are Iranians and Iranians come from India and Pakistan.

The conflict is mainly with PKK but there are millions of supporters of this terrorist group inside of Turkey.



Thank you for your response Flowers   Are most of the supporters of the PKK Kurdish?

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